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Ari* not proofread *!

★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩June 21st Thursday  9:35 am

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June 21st Thursday  9:35 am

It's the next day and I had just woke up with a dry face and not a sore throat because I haven't been crying I should be right now but I had it coming for me I knew what I was getting myself into I mean what's a life without a little fun yk but I still wasn't forgiving him because on his side it's very fucked up and I'm actually mad and don't wanna see him again

I went downstairs and got me a bowl of cereal once again nobody was home everyone was at work and they did text me and let me know I have to job so the parents will contact me when they need a babysitter but for now I'm all alone

Vallyk did try to contact me but I blocked him on everything but I didn't block my friends they know better not to be joe and text my phone abt they manz and he know better then to pop up at my house so it's no contact in sight

I went back upstairs and ate then watched some tv while being on TikTok then I looked at my phone and seen a number texted me asking am I available to babysit and I let them know I can and they sent me the address so I got in the shower and got ready
I pulled up into their drive way and knocked on the door then a lady opened the door

"Hello you must be Ariana I'm Amy " the mom said

"Hi amy " I said as I came in and she shut the door behind me

"Well it's not to much to do just feed skyla and you know make sure you bathe her and she's all good I'll be home by 10 tonight but my son should be coming here around 6 he's not staying long he just gotta drop something off " Amy said

"Oh ok is there anything I should be worried abt " I asked

"No she doesn't have any type of allergies or allergic reactions so everything is okay" she said

"Ok we'll see you tonight " I said

"Alright now " she said as she left and I looked at baby skyla she's 5 but doesn't talk very much

Skyla was watching tv and playing with her toys and she let me play with her after a while I think she just had to get used to me being there , I then made her some chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese once it got around 12 pm and she played a little more and watched tv but I laid her down and she fell asleep

I cleaned up the toys and washed the dishes then sat down on my phone I didn't have nothing to do and it feels like I don't have anyone to talk to anymore so I just closed my eyes for a bit


I just opened my eyes and Skyla was still sleeping I didn't even know I was able to fall right asleep like that but I checked the time and seen that it was almost 3 so I sat up and turned on the tv to some of my shows and watched them I also ate my food that I brought before I came over

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