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Ari * not proofread*!

It was now June and that means school over my man gets out and I get to go to the Bahamas

It's my birthday month and actually my birthday is today June 15 and I'm actually excited even tho I'm still not sure when Vallyk and Mike get out

I took my shower while listening to my music then I did my skin routine along with putting on lotion and deodorant and put on my outfit it was very cute

I took my shower while listening to my music then I did my skin routine along with putting on lotion and deodorant and put on my outfit it was very cute

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I was going with aya , Ahiella , Angel my bother and dad my mom couldn't come yet because she had to "do something " but it's all cool

I went downstairs after I put on my perfume ,

"Wsp birthday girl" Chris said

"Hey" I said as I smiled

"Come on y'all got nail appointments " my mom said basically telling us to leave

"Me and Chris gonna drop y'all off so call me when y'all done and we'll come get you and take you to lunch " my dad said

"Rd" me and the girls said

We got into the car and I just love how it's my birthday and my parents makes sure to include my sisters into certain things but they just won't get them any presents because it's not their birthday

We pulled up to the nail salon and me and the girls got out after he gave us the money , we walked in and waited until somebody could take us

I sat in the seat as she started to do my nails



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