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Ariana * not proofread *!

★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩August 10th Thursday 4:30 am

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August 10th Thursday 4:30 am

I woke up to my alarm ofc but I didn't feel like getting up at all so I laid down but couldn't fall back to sleep so I just got up around 4;50 and I got into the shower

Once I was done washing up I got out and dried off then put on lotion and deodorant and started to put my clothes on

Once I was done washing up I got out and dried off then put on lotion and deodorant and started to put my clothes on

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I didn't feel like doing to much so I out on my perfume and shoes them brushed out my hair I didn't have to straighten it but I grabbed my bag and stuff then went downstairs

Vallyk wasn't going to school early so we just left and went to school , when we got there we walking and and put our bags through the detector and walked through one ourselves then I got my bag and scanned my id to sign in ( y'all I gotta do all that in real life ts so draining 🤦🏽‍♀️)

I walked to my first class which was cosmology and it was actually cold in there but I didn't have a jacket with me so I had to freeze but I was next to angel and I just put my head down because I didn't feel like doing anything since I was still tired

After that class I went to gym and I seen bre so I went to sit next to her since she was with her friends and she's the only one I only talk to in here because the boys always playing the game

"Hey girl " I said as I went next to bre

"Heyy you look good " bre said

"Girl I look a mess I didn't feel like even coming " I said

"Girl you look good and the body giving " she said

"Thanks " I laughed

The gym teacher said we had to run laps so we got down and ran four laps around I really didn't even feel like running and Mike and Kobe kept laughing at me because they said I was running slow when I know I wasn't they just fast

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