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Ari *not proofread!

It was later in the day now I say around 3:30-4:00 pm so my mom took me to my appointment for the birth control I had forgot that I had this appointment but after that we got some food and went back home

"Ari me and your mom going out tonight our friends having a party so we gonna spend the night there you already know the rules be safe we love you " my dad said

"I love y'all to " I said as I hugged them and they left just like that it was kinda weird because they always the ones having the party but shit I didn't care I had a free house

I went and took my shower then put on some shorts wit a white crop top then I remembered I gotta Nigga so I called Vallyk

"Yo" he said

"Heyyy baeee you wanna come over " I asked

"Ain't ya parents home " he said

"Nah they just left for the night " I said

"Ord ima slide in 30 " he said

"Ok" I said then hung up

30 minutes he gotta be serious I can't wait that long even tho it's only 4:56 pm , i went to my room and blasted music and started to clean up some to waste time and it did because by time I had time to sit down he was here so I went and opened the door for him

"Hi" I said as I hugged him and he hugged me back

"Wsg mama" he kissed me

Aw his kisses .

"What you tryna do " he said

"Chill I'm bored and I missed you Ngl " I said as I sat on the couch and he followed

"I missed you to I had just woke up " he said

"Ord" I said as I looked at the time

"Why ya butt so big " he said because I had got up and went to the kitchen

"Ion know I get it from my momma " I shrugged

"Yea I can tell " he got up and came to me

"You be looking at my momma ass "I said

"Nah I'm playing " he laughed as he hugged me from behind which meant his print was on my butt

"Yea ok " I laughed as I poured my juice and drunk some

"Where your room at " he said

"Upstairs " I said as I put the juice back because he let me go

"Duh let's go upstairs " he said

"Rd cmon" I said as I turned off the stuff downstairs and he followed me upstairs to my room

We went in and he sat down

"Damn why it's so cold " he said

"I like the cold i Can turn it off " I said

"Yea do that " he said

"You gotta smart ass mouth " I said as I turned it off

"Howww" he said

"Because you just do " I said as I got on top of him because he was laying down

"Bro did you hear your mouth " he said

"That's nothing compared to yours " I said

"Mhm say I gotta smart mouth again " he said

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