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Ari *not proofread*!

It's been abt 5 months and it's now April, I been holding up but still missing Vallyk and Mike I haven't talked to any other boy because I know me and my man still together and jail didn't change anything

He been sending me letters and I gotten phone calls from him and I love hearing his voice it makes me happy knowing he's okay and still care abt me


I was in class daydreaming abt me and my man when someone tapped me so I looked over and seen aya

"Ariana you good" she asked

"Yea I'm ok " I said as I snapped back into reality

"Ok let me know if you wanna talk " aya said

"Can we after this class and skip prep " I said

"Yea " she said so I nodded and focused on my work

I been good in school getting the right grades and I haven't fought since , I'm actually happy where I'm at right now besides not seeing Vallyk , everyone probably think I should get over it because we haven't known each other for even a year but when I started getting close and talking to him he actually made me feel like I'm special and treated me like a queen and I actually love that

Idk he just seem to know me more then I know myself and I know him the same way he likes king car rides at night with the pretty city lights , he likes the smell of nature when you first wake up and go outside, he loves spending time with me and the people he loves and also he's a very sweet person

Just because he's a dealer doesn't mean he's mean or nonchalant.


After class aya and I went to the counselor office and talked

"So what do you wanna talk abt " aya asked me

"Anything really but right now , how I'm feeling like I really miss Vallyk his voice , his smile , his presence  his everything " I said while staring into space

"I know how you feel but think abt it you have 3 more months get through it then he'll be with you I can't say forever because you'll never know but I can say for the time being " aya said

"Yea you gotta point " I said

We talked some more until I had gotten a phone call from the juvenile detention center so I went to the bathroom and answered the call

"Hello" I said

"Hey bae" I heard Vallyk say

"Hi how you doing " I said

"I can't say good but I'm doing alright how abt you how ya day going " he said

"Good I couldn't really focus in class I just wanna be with you I can't stand it " I said

"Trust me when I get out ima be all yours ok I'm not going anywhere after that just stay strong for me baby everything gonna be good" he said

"Ok I love you so much and I want you to know that " I said

"I already do and I love you to just stay outta trouble bae I'll see you soon " he said

"Ok see you " the phone hung up and I wanted to cry but like he said be strong so that's what I'm gonna do

I went to forth period I had to stay after school with angel to do cheer so after class we went to our lockers and changed into our practice stuff and went to the gym , we had a cheer competition at the game tonight so we had to practice but my mom had dropped off me and angel cheer outfit it was blue and white so cute


It was now time for the game it was a football game and we had to go against they cheer squad and I already knew we was gonna entertain the crowd

( your on the blue team ^ you can watch the whole 7 minute video or don't it doesn't matter)


After the cheer comp we went home my sisters and stuff was there watching us so was our mom and dad but we went home and I took a shower and laid down my feet was hurting and I had a headache

I pulled Vallyk phone from out my nightstand and unlocked it my mom gave it to me when she went to see what was going on so they gave her their phones Angel has mikes but I went and looked at our memories together and stuff I just couldn't wait to see him I miss him so bad words can't even explain how I feel right now

I watched some tv until I fell asleep.

Ima try to make the next one longer because it's gonna be more stuff and Vallyk and Mike will be seen in the next chapter I just wanted to make this rq

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