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Ari not proofread *

I woke up in the morning in my bra and underwear and I checked the time and ofc I woke up late I wasn't even abt to rush to school matter of fact I'm not going at all today I needed a break plus I'm still tired sore and my project not even done

"Vallyk get up" I said as I shook him

"Hm" he said as he turned over not facing me

"We slept in you going to school " I asked

"No" he said and went back to sleep I should've already knew ion even know why I asked

I laid back down and went to sleep while I could my room was dark because of the jawn so It wasn't hard to fall asleep



I woke up and Vallyk was in the bathroom dressed so I got outta bed and went to him

"Where you going " I said while wiping my eyes

"I gotta go pick something up ima come back" he said

"Can't I just go with you i wanna be wit you " I said idk maybe it's the dick🤷🏽‍♀️

"Rd get ready " he said

I put on something simple after brushing my teeth and everything then we got into the car idk where he was going but we ended up on the highway

"Wait we going to New Jersey " I said

"Yea I gotta pick something up from my cousin " he said

"Oh ok " I said , I didn't know his cousin or anything but it's ok

After the long ride we finally got to the place it was a nice looking neighborhood it was quiet the opposite of what I'm used to

"Yo wsp " his cousin said as he walked up to the car and daped Vallyk up through the window

"Wsp" Vallyk said back

"Who this ?" He said wit confusion

"This my girl ari , bae this my cousin Adam " Vallyk said

"Hi" I said as I waved I was a little socially awkward but oh well

"Ima holla at you later rd safety " Vallyk said as he was pulling off

"Safety " Adam said back

"He seemed nice " I said

"Yea he is just wait until y'all actually meet y'all gonna be cool " he said

"I'm sure " I said

We was listening to music the whole way back I didn't even have to talk to him the whole ride just being near him makes me happy I always knew I would have a fairytale well that's at least what I think and want since I was little I would dream abt having my perfect life and perfect boyfriend and I feel close enough

We got back home

We was at my house so I went to my room and washed my hands then I turned on my tv Vallyk had left back out to go wit Mike to handle something so I just watched my show

Some hours passed and Vallyk still wasn't here and he wasn't answering his phone so I went to get me something to eat then sat down on the couch and watched my phone ,

When I was done I got up and put my dish in the sink and my phone started ringing ( it was my mom)

"Hello" I said

"Honey Vallyk and Mike just got arrested " my mom said

"Wait wym for what " I said concerned

"They had their gun on them and somebody set them up while they was making they runs" my mom said

"Omg hold on " I hung up and called angel but she answered crying

"Ari he's in jail" she cried

"I know where are you " I asked

"I'm with aya and Ahiella on the way to the house " she said

"Ok well I'm already here " I said

"Ok" she said then hung up

I just thought to myself like damn I was really just with him and now he's in jail idk if their gonna keep them in there and if so for how long

My sisters had got home and angel came to me so I hugged her she wasn't crying how bad she was anymore

"Listen what ever happens is gonna be okay their gonna get out soon " I said hoping I'm actually right

She went to her room and so did everyone else aya and Ahiella was on the phone wit Derek and Kobe tryna figure out that's gonna happen when my mom texted me

*I just talked to the cops and they said their gonna be in there for 7 months until June with no bail and that's the only time they said they can give them I can't do anything abt it sorry baby*

I read the message and cried now I can't see Vallyk for 7 months what am I gonna do

I cried for a little while longer then fixed myself I had to tell Angel it's gonna break her it broke me , I was just dreaming abt our lives now I don't even know what's gonna happen is jail gonna change him or what

I got outta bed and went to angels room

"Angel " I said as I knocked

"Yea" she said

"I gotta tell you something " I said as I walked over to her

"Do I wanna know " she said as she sat up

"Um he got 7 months " I said

"Are you serious " her eyes got bigger and teary

"I'm sorry my heart" I said as I hugged her and cried wit her

I went back to my room to give Angel some space

I laid down and was just looking at my ceiling for abt 15 minutes until I got a jail call

It said the intro jawn then I heard Vallyk

"Baby" he said

"I'm here bae " I said holding back tears

"I'm so sorry you had to find this out but I got 7 months I just wanted to let you know I love you and will miss you I'll send notes everyday and call you when I can " he said

"Okay" I said wit tears coming down my face

"Mama I love you so much just hold it down for me while I'm in here and I promise when I get out it's gonna be different see you ma I love you " he said

"I love you to see you" i said


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