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Ari* not proofread *!

★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩July 2nd Monday   9:55 am

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July 2nd Monday   9:55 am

It was the next morning and I got up from my loud ass alarm , I checked the time and seen it was 9:55 and Hakeem did say he was coming to get me around 12

I got into the shower while listening to my music my sisters was at work rn but they get off early

Once I got out i moisturize and all that hood stuff then I got dressed

On some calm shit then I did a light makeup I went downstairs to get a water bottle and some chips and went back upstairs

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On some calm shit then I did a light makeup I went downstairs to get a water bottle and some chips and went back upstairs

It was now around 11;30 and keem had texted me telling me he's on the way so I just waited for him to lmk he outside

11 minutes later

"Hi" I said as I got into the passenger seat

"Wsg babygirl " he said in his kinda deep calming voice

"So where we going " I asked

"Shii it's this Jamaican spot on 40th I wanna take you there for lunch yk chill and shii" he said

"Oh ok" I said then rubbing my lip gloss together on my lips

He drove off and went to the place and I seen it around every time I come down here but I never went but they smell so good

We get seated and our food comes

"So how you been " he said to me

"I been good yk making money ofc chillin hbu" I said

"Thats good I been vibing the usual " he said

"Ord I wanna cut to the point you took me out here because you wanted to hang out or this a date " I said while looking in his eyes

"Damn you got it I just been thinking abt you and I feel ya vibe I know you feeling mines and I wanna date you like fr we can take it slow but I wanna call you mines and shit " he said

"Seee I always know but I have been peeping and I know you feeling me and you already know how I feel maybe we can just make it work " I said

"Rd so boom since you mines officially now ima treat you right ma ma " he said

"You just better " I smiled


2 weeks later

Umm yea it's been two weeks so far with me and Hakeem dating and his really attached I can say like idk what it is because I never fucked him all we did was kiss and maybe a touch like yk but I never gave it up

He's just been more strict on me going out with my friends or what not and I just wanna know why because it's not gonna stop me but he keep saying he want me all to himself and all this other shit wtf


"Ari bro it's this party tomorrow you coming " angel asked

"Hell yea what time " I asked her

"It's around 7 pm and ends around 11-12 " angel said

"Ord we popping out fasho " I said

"Ord " she walked away

I went upstairs to my room and turned on my tv I started to watch some yt videos some Philly blind dates and shit until Mike called me

""Yo ari " he said

"Wsp" I said

"Bro y'all coming to our game tonight " he said

"Yoo I completely forgot abt that yea I got you what time " I asked

"No worries gang it's around 8 tonight " he said

"Rd we gonna come y'all betta not lose either " I said

"Yea igh we not gonna lose" he said

"Ord " I said then hung up the phone

It was already around 7:00 so I texted the girls and told them and they said they gonna get ready rn so y'all know the routine I got into the shower washed up and got out and did everything I had to do and did my hair

It was already around 7:00 so I texted the girls and told them and they said they gonna get ready rn so y'all know the routine I got into the shower washed up and got out and did everything I had to do and did my hair

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I had on a wig so my hair was straightened but by time we left it was around 7:13 so we was gonna be late by 15 minutes but we got to the game and paid it was only 10 dollars and we took our seats

They had the cheerleaders competing against the other team cheerleaders but we was cheering for our team and all that and I seen Mike and Vallyk mind y'all they was playing basketball

It was 25-30 and our team won so I was cheering and all that but after I left and took the bus home because they wanted to see they niggas but guess what ion wanna see Vallyk so I took my little self home and took a shower

After wrapping my hair and everything I laid in my bed wit just a bra and underwear on then I fell Asleep


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