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Ari *not proofread !

It's been abt 2 months now it's November and me and Vallyk still together it's been drama once people found out but that never bothered us because we just living our lives


"Here's the math test all phones should be turned off if I hear or see a phone it's mine until the end of class " the teacher said as she passed out the test I was still at my same seat with my girls

Once we started the math test I easily knew the answers some of them I had to think about but since I pay attention and do my work I know what to do

After I finish I put my head down because I had a headache I wasn't on my period because of birth control but I guess it's because I didn't eat anything and I was smoking before school

"Alright 5 more minutes left " I heard the teacher say but I kept my head down


"Ari get up " aya shook me so I looked up and opened my eyes it was bright

"I was sleep " I asked her

"Mhm cmon mama you okay " she said

"Mhm my head hurt and so do my stomach " I said as I stood up and didn't see nobody else in class since it was over

"Ima call dad since he not at work to bring you some food what do you want " she said

"A cheese steak " I said as we walked outta class and downstairs to gym

"Okay" she said as she went on the phone and called him

After that we went inside gym the boys was playing basketball ball they was only allowed to have they shirts off in gym so they took advantage of that

"Where y'all was at " Ahiella said

"I had to wake her up she was sleeping " aya said as she sat up on the table wit the rest of us

"Ord you cool" angel said

"Yea" I said as I looked at my phone when a group of girls had came walking up to us on the table

"Go ahead say what you said " one of the girls said to the girl in the middle

"I said ion like you because you act like you can beat everybody when you can't and yea " the girl said and I just made a stink face

"Who is you for me to care whether you like me or not ion even know you " I said

"It don't matter I said what I said that's all " she said

"Now you making it seem like you just checked me because you didn't if you felt like that you could've did something but you didn't so what's really tea " I said

"Girl don't try it wit me because I can fight and will beat your ass unlike them other girls you be fighting " she said

"Oh fr " I said

"Yea fr df " the girl said so with out a warning I punched her dead in her face wit my phone falling to the floor then when she backed up her head from my
Fist I swung her to the ground

Then I started punching her in her face when one of her friends jumped in I felt a hit behind my head but angel jumped in and got that girl while I was fuckin up the other girl

but it got cut short when a staff was called and they broke us up and all I heard was " YOO SHE LEAKING " from the boys but I wasn't the one bleeding but they took us to the office the whole gym was just watching

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