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Wednesday 23 5:00am

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Wednesday 23 5:00am

I woke up from my phone alarm and this time that shit hit me up, I didn't wanna get outta bed at all I was so comfortable with my nigga but I HAVE to go.

"Bae get up" I said while shaking Vallyk

"Ion wanna go" he said while trying to turn over

"Bae you have a game today can you please get up " I said

"Okk" he gave in and got up so we took a shower and got ready , I was lucky to had pack a bag before I left my house

I brushed my teeth and then popped some gum into my mouth , I put on my lip liner along with my lip gloss combo

I brushed my teeth and then popped some gum into my mouth , I put on my lip liner along with my lip gloss combo

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"You look pretty ma " he said as he grabbed my waist from the back and kissed my neck slowly

"Mhm you gon make us not go to school you better stop " I said

"Well maybe that's a good thing" he said ....


We're just now making it to school cs yk but I went to class and he went to his workout ," hello Ariana" my first period teacher said ."hi" I said as I sat down

Idk what today was gonna bring me the girl probably gonna try to fight me but I'm always ready at 9:00am the dancers had to go because we have to keep practicing cs the performance is next week and the boys have a football game coming up also

We put our things in our lockers and we played and talked until our coach was ready , once we started we spent abt 3 hours in there then got sent to class , I went to my 3rd period with Derek and sat in my seat

"Yo ari " he said

"Wsp d" I said as I took out my computer

I did my work until I put my head down cause I had a headache and I didn't know why I was feeling like this , " ms banks put your head up please " the teacher said

"Ion think she's feeling good " Derek said

"Can I go to the nurse " I asked

"Yes you may " I got up and walked out without my things and as soon as I got up I felt my stomach turn so I ran to the bathroom and threw up just in time , there wasn't anyone else in there so I went downstairs to the nurse and she had me sit in a seat while she went somewhere real quick

It started getting harder for me to breathe and sallow then I started shaking my heart felt like it has been shocked then I fell and hit my face

I couldn't really comprehend what was happening but the nurse ran back to me tryna calm me down and then it stopped and I caught my breath

I couldn't talk I was in shock with everything that just happened all I seen was blood

Baby you just had a seizure " the nurse said

I got rushed to the hospital I was losing lots for blood from my face and my "was healed scar" was burning

They immediately contacted my parents and sent me into surgery

Ari mom :

I rushed to the hospital and they told me that my baby was in surgery and they couldn't wait or she probably would've bled out more then she was supposed to

I talked to her school nurse and they told me she had a seizure and fell , it wasn't like her to have seizures idk what cause it but me and her dad had to sit here and wait praying she's okay

1hr30m later

A doctor came out and told me that she's fine now and should be waking up soon but her wound had opened up with the fall and it could've killed her if it struck a certain cell

We went in to see her and her face was puffy and it looked like she was already gone so I broke down I hated seeing my baby hurt and this was bad .

Me and her father sat in the room waiting patiently for her to wake up , I texted Ahiella to just go straight home and we'll get there when we do I just don't want everybody to be in her face once she wakes up

No more then 10 minutes later she woke up

Ari pov:

I opened my eyes barely and seen my parents

"Mom" I said faintly

"Hi baby we're here for you okay it's gonna be alright " she said

"How you feeling " my dad asked

"Sore what happened " I asked

"Well you had a seizure and fell and hurt your face again but they fixed it the school got you here on perfect timing " my mom said

"Oh am I gonna keep having them " I asked cause that's actually scary

"Honey the doctors not sure yet they'll keep you over night just to make sure your safe to come home but even if you do they'll have medicine to help you " she said

"Oh ok " I said

They left not to long after I really didn't want them in my face right now , I wanted to be alone it's just a lot going on right now . Vallyk called me so I answered

"Hello" he said

"Hm" I said not really able to use my voice

"Ariana please tell me your okay I'm coming to see you " he said

"Yes I'll be okay just come see me tomorrow I don't wanna be bothered right now actually and I can't talk rn it hurts see you " I said as I hung up

Idk if it was rude but I'm still waking up and I can't even put two and two together it hurts to even think .

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