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Ari* not proofread *!

★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩July 14th Saturday 8:49 am

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July 14th Saturday 8:49 am

I opened my eyes from the sound of the door slamming shut I looked up and seen my mom and dad walk into the house

"Well it look like y'all had fun" my dad laughed as I sat up

I looked down and seen Vallyk on his phone so I got off of him squeezing through my sisters to get off the couch and once I was able to I had to stretch

"Where was y'all " I said to my parents as I wiped my eyes making sure not to hit the scar by accident

"We was out at our friends house we got some plates from the baby shower " my mom said as I seen the platters on the counter

"Oh" I said as I walked over to the table and sat down on the chair

My mom went to her room with dad so I went in there and sat on the edge of the bed

"Mom did you talk to the babysitting company jawn " I asked her

"No I talked to Amy and she's mad yk I would be to after losing a child but she understood that you had to do what you had to do but she still said you can't babysit rn because it's not a good time " my mom said

"Oh ok " I said ima miss that little girl she was so fun and adorable

I went upstairs to my room and took my medicine then I used the bathroom , I washed my face and put the cream they had gave me on my scar then I plugged my phone up since it was dead

Once it got to 2 percent it turned on and my notifications started coming in I seen I had gotten a gmail notification from the company so I clicked on it

Hello Ariana Banks we're so sorry to inform you that you cannot continue to do the babysitting job with us . We heard what happened and I'm so sorry , enjoy the rest of your day .

Um yup just like I expected now I'm jobless well not really because I could start doing hair at my house and make money just for the time being at this moment it's not like I'm broke but I still spend a lot

I decided to make a flyer and post it on ig for hair appointments

I decided to make a flyer and post it on ig for hair appointments

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