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Ari * not proofread *!

We woke up around 6 because we had to be at the airport around 12 and we still gotta pack

"Bae wake up" I said as I shook him

"Hm" he said

"We gotta pack and leave out around 12 so get up" I said

"Rd" he sat up you could tell he was still tired I mean I was to but my poor baby probably haven't gotten any good sleep

"Ima go to my crib so I can get my stuff I'll be back before 12 I love you ma" he said and kissed me

"I love you to bae" I said then he put on his clothes and left so I went to the bathroom and took a shower then I just had my bonnet on and I started to pack I didn't bring all my new clothes because I already had some clothes packed

Once I was done I went and helped Ahiella because she wasn't done and she had a lot of shit

"Bro I'm so ready to be in that water " Ahiella said

"Right it feel like I ain't been in the outside water in a while " I said

"Real rap" she said

Once we was finished it was now around 10 so everyone taking showers and freshening up and Vallyk and Mike had came back as soon as I went downstairs and I opened the door and also hugged and said hey to Mike because I wasn't able to last night

We ended up leaving around around 10:45 so we could get there around 11 something and we did and our plane was leaving around 1 so that was cool

We checked in and all that now we was just waiting for our plane to board and once it did we got on and went to our seats I was next to Vallyk and everyone else was sitting somewhere else

Once the plane took off I took some pictures but Vallyk ended up falling asleep and I had my head phones on so I did to


We had landed and it looked so beautiful but we had to take an Uber to where we was staying and it was one of them over water house jawns real pretty

We had landed and it looked so beautiful but we had to take an Uber to where we was staying and it was one of them over water house jawns real pretty

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Something like this ^

We had to walk on this long ass path to get to the cribs but I was sharing with Vallyk and everyone else had a separate one with who they wanted to be with

"Omg this is cuteee" I said as me and Vallyk walked in our house thing

"Yo this low key fire " he said

"Right " I said as I jumped on the bed and laid down

"And this is comfortable " I added

He went out on the porch so I did to and it looked so pretty the water was beautiful

"Wowww" I said now listen I grew up in the trenches I ain't never seen nothing like this

My mom ended up calling me telling us to get ready because we gonna go on jet skis and swim with pigs

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