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Ari* not proofread *!

★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩★★★✩✩August 9th Wednesday 4:30 am

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August 9th Wednesday 4:30 am

Welp here we are again my first last day of school I'm actually kinda excited to be going back to school specially because it's my last year

I got up and went to take my shower while listening to music because if you do it any other way you not human , I washed up every part of my body then got out and dried off

I brushed my teeth and washed my face and combed out my lashes then I walked into my room and unwrapped the towel and put on lotion and deodorant then I got ready because it was now around 5:30

I brushed my teeth and washed my face and combed out my lashes then I walked into my room and unwrapped the towel and put on lotion and deodorant then I got ready because it was now around 5:30

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I was going for something simple also I had on a blonde wig which was new for me but it looked good , I went to the bathroom after I got dressed and I straightened my hair

By time I was done it was around 6:15 so I put on my jewelry and perfume then I put my laptop and stuff in my book bag and filled my purse wit the stuff that I need then I went downstairs so I could eat breakfast since I gotta be at school by 7;30 and I don't eat there

I had already made me a sandwich the night before so I just ate that but then everybody else came downstairs and my girls looked gooddd

"Y'all look so pretty" I said talking to my sisters

"Thank you pookie " angel said

"You look good to stank" Ahiella said

"Huh?" Aya said not knowing what I said because she never be listening wit them AirPods in

"I said y'all look good miss " I said

"Oh thank you girl you look pretty to" aya said as she hugged me , I would say she's the most affectionate when it comes to physical touch

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