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Ariana * not proofread *!  𝖳𝗋𝗎𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾.

✩☆✩☆☆✩☆✩☆☆✩☆✩☆☆✩☆✩☆☆✩☆✩☆☆August 15th Tuesday 12:40 pm

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August 15th Tuesday 12:40 pm

I sat up and wiped my eyes and grabbed my phone and seen it was almost 1 pm and Vallyk was still sleeping but I got up and went to the bathroom and used it then I washed my hands and washes my face

I went downstairs and heated up a breakfast sandwich and ate wit some apple juice while watching TikTok, I then went to the backyard and sat on the chairs wit the umbrella blocking some of the sun

I took my picture because I looked good ofc , I had my computer with me so I did the classes assignments then when I was done I went back upstairs and changed into a swimsuit and went to the pool since it was hot outside

I took my picture because I looked good ofc , I had my computer with me so I did the classes assignments then when I was done I went back upstairs and changed into a swimsuit and went to the pool since it was hot outside

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I dipped my feet in the pool to feel if it was cold and it wasn't it was pretty warm so I got in and the water came to my mid stomach

I Was walking around in the water taking in the peace and how gorgeous the view was but Vallyk had came outside around 10 minutes later

"Hi" I said as I went over towards where he was

"Hey beautiful " he said which made me smile

"I didn't wanna wake you so I just came out here " I said

"Ord also I gotta tell you that we going back to Philly in two days but ima take you out tonight " he said

"K , where you taking me " I asked

"Out to eat you can dress how you want I just want you to be comfortable" he said

"Aww thanks baby" I said as I got out and kissed him

I went to take a shower and I then put on some shorts and a crop top

I had ordered some food for me and Vallyk cs I wanted wings

I went downstairs with him and he was playing the game wit Mike and Derek so I sat there and made TikToks and scrolled onna gram until the food came

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