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Ari , not proofread !

It was the next day and this time when I woke up Vallyk was actually in the bed or still at the house but he was sleep still so I got up and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth

I got my phone off the charger and then went downstairs and I seen angel

"Hey girl wyd here" I said as I walked to the kitchen

"Umm i live here " she said

"Duh I mean I thought you wit mike " I said

"I was but he had to handle something and didn't want me to get involved so he dropped me off " she said

"Mm you hungry I can cook" I said

"Uh yea why you so happy " angel questioned

"Wym I'm acting the same " I said as I got the bacon and eggs out

"Let me guess Vallyk here " she eyed me

"Yea " I smiled

"Girl cmon tell me " she said like she read my mind so I went over to her and sat next to her

"So basically he came over and we was just playing but you know how I hadn't had sex in a while I was kinda scared but we started kissing and I couldn't help myself so we did it and it was the besttt but what abt you and Mike " I said

"Uhh we didn't do it yet I felt as tho I wasn't ready to so he respected that and we just chilled but we did kiss and all that jazz but he's nice " she said

"I know that's right I'm sure once your ready he'll be ready but you know how it is if they don't get it in a certain amount of time they gonna get it from sb else " I said

"Now you just said to much he's not going nowhere ion care " angel said one thing abt my girl she gonna hold hers down

"Rd whatever you say " I said as I got up and finished cooking while having my music play I know my parents wasn't gonna come back until later because if they was drinking and if they having fun it ain't no coming back early

Angel took her food upstairs to her room and I went to wake up Vallyk but I seen him sitting on the bed dressed

"You leaving " I asked as I came in and hugged him as I stood in between his legs

"Yea I gotta go help mike make this run I can come back later if you want or you can always come to me " he said

"Yeaa ima see ima text you when i figure it out " I said

"Rd ma I love you " he said as he kissed me so I kissed him back

"I love you to be safe " I said and wit that he was gone I really didn't want him to leave now I felt down

💭Damn I really need to calm down we just started dating .

I cleaned the kitchen and got in the shower I decided I was gonna go to the mall so I called and told Angel to get ready since she's the only one home

Once I got out I put on my lotion deodorant and clothes then some perfume, I had on a wig because it was promo so it was straight

Once I got out I put on my lotion deodorant and clothes then some perfume, I had on a wig because it was promo so it was straight

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