2. Messing with Mafia?

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Nandini's pov

I was on cloud nine I mean he just proposed me

Oh my god!

Someone please pinch me, slap me!

"What happened? Say something"

"I... I don't know what to say I... You proposed me all of a sudden and-"

"You don't feel anything for me?"

"I do but... I am confuse I don't know what to say I... I am stupid-"

"Yes you are because instead of confessing you are talking about other things... Nandini just say whatever is in your heart"

"Uhm... Arnav I... I love you and-" he hugged me tightly

"Oh god Finally I listened these words from you finally you know I am so happy I can't describe my feelings right now Nandini" he looked in my eyes

"I never knew you love me this Much"

"I never showed you because... Whatever now we are going to your mom and telling her about us because I want to marry you as soon as possible"  he said taking me with him but I stopped

"Wait Arnav... We can't!"


"Because it's to soon I mean We just proposed each other and My mom you don't know her she will definitely ask questions and I... I..."

"You what?" He asked putting his hands on my face

"I wonder if she will accept us or not because she wants me to marry Navya's brother he is in England" I told

He closed his eyes tightly calming himself

"You have to tell her Nandini"

"I know that is why I am saying give me sometime Because this matter is serious I don't want to ruin things"

"What if that moron come back and your mother-"

"No she won't because he still need 2 years to complete his graduation"

"You sure right?"

"Yes Arnav Trust me I will handle this" he smiled and hugged me again

"I do... I trust you. Take your time Nandini" he kissed my forehead

"Now I think I should go back mom must be finding me"

"As you say love" I was shocked but I was blushing as well


"Aren't you?"

"I am" he chuckled

"You go I am following you in case if that Bastard come again"


"Purab who else But I must say you handled him well today"

"You were seeing?"

"Yes I was, I follow you everywhere love"


"Oh my stupid girlfriend for your security I know you are the most beautiful girl of this area everyone is behind you that is why you know your safety is important and I... Arnav Ahuja is at your service Your Haines" I laughed

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