8. Sneaking!

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Manik's pov

At Near 1am I came back with the key man. Thankfully it's all dark here. Everyone sleeps early here which is very good for me

"How much time will it take?" I asked

"Sir I am trying but this lock is quite old and a bit jammed as well"

"Do it fast man I don't have all day"

After of quite 15 minutes he was done. I given him the payment and he left. I opened the door and entered inside closing the door slightly.

I went near her she was sleeping peacefully. I sat on my knees in front of her and lost myself in the beauty in front of me

Her hairs were disturbing her. My hand went towards her face but stopped

'I shouldn't!'

'But its disturbing her'

'Still I shouldn't'

'Nothing will happen'

I sided her hairs while she snuggles in the pillow. A smile appeared on my face. My lips went towards her head and I kissed her

"I don't know anything about you and your past but I know One thing that you deserve happiness and I will give you that because... I love you"

Yes I have fallen in love with her madly and deeply. I know we just met but I know myself. This girl has done some magic on me, because I was never interested in any girl before her. Yeah I have done One night stands but I don't have any lust for her. I want to keep her save in my arms forever

She changed her position and I realized I have to leave!

She is sweating and she haven't switch on the fan what a girl she is.

I switched on the fan but it wasn't working. Wait what?

How can she live in such house?

What should I do now?

I looked at her for a long time, I don't know from how long she is living like this

I looked at the time I don't know at what time she wakes up. I looked around to find a book.

I sat besides her again fanning her with the book. I Hope not to sleep or else morning will be the last morning for me!


I listened some kind of a voice and I wake up instantly. I looked at her and thank God she was still sleeping.

I kept the book aside and left the house not before sneaking outside. I don't want her to be in trouble because of me

Nandini's pov

I opened my eyes yawning. I left to washroom to freshen up.

Coming out I went towards the kitchen to make breakfast. I set the towel on my forehead properly but... I felt someone gazing me. I turned around looking towards the window but there was no one


Eating my food I came back to pickup my bag as Navya is waiting for me. As soon As I picked up the bag and looked inside there was something unexpected

A phone?

Its not Navya's phone?

I took it out properly to check, it was looking new. There was a box as well with a note

"A gift from your friend!"


When did she kept this in my bag?

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