7. That Smile!

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Manik's pov

I saw her crying today and I left like to burn this world. No doubt someone made her go through this. She must be in love with someone

I promise today was the last day she cried because I swear I am not gonna let her cry ever again

"You deserve all the happiness in the world and I will make sure to give you that happiness by hook or by crook"

Promising myself I closed my eyes as I have to wake up early

The next Morning:

I hide myself on a corner waiting for her at the same spot. I was smoking but as soon as I saw her the cigarette automatically fell from my hands

Dude you are scared of her!

She wasn't alone. An unknown girl was with her while they were talking to each other.

I will follow her but without being caught. I start moving behind her but... She turned all of a sudden

I too turned around acting like to walk to the other side but her voice stopped me

"Stop! I know its you again" she said and I turned back

"Who is he?" The girl besides her asked

She came near me folding her arms.

Let me convince her face expressions are looking so cute. I wanna pull her cheeks

"Why are you following me?"

"Uhm... I am not following you why you always think this way? I was just walking by"

"Like yesterday?"

"Yeah Like... Yesterday"

"Look I don't know what your problem is but Please stay away from me and my village I beg you I don't want any kind of dramas here so yeah I am sorry for interfering in your work but now I won't do such thing so please leave me alone" Saying so she was leaving

I held her hand and pulled her close. She fell on my chest and here I lost myself in her eyes. How can someone be so beautiful and innocent?

But the sudden tears in her eyes made me shock. I left her instantly and she hide her front with her hands

She is scared of me? Oh No No I... God!

"Nandini!" Her friend came running "You okay?" she asked but got no reply

"Look Mr. Stay away from her and us I don't know who you are but you made he cry which I won't bear" she snapped "let's go" they left


Last night I promised myself I won't let her cry but see Instead I made her cry. She is not the girl I know , yesterday she was acting so brave and today she apologized for no reason!

I ran behind them not to say something but off course I will follow her

After of 10 minutes they stopped in front of a restaurant.

Nandini! Yeah What a beautiful name she has just like her personality, beautiful!

She entered in restaurant while her friend left to the other road. So she works here!

I sat in the nearby bench, obviously I will wait for her. I took out my phone to pass the time. I so want to go inside but right now I know this is not right


Finally around 7pm she came out. I turned around so that she don't see me.

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