13: The Truth!

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Nandini's pov

"We can never be friends Nandini and you know that" he said.

"You know you're good but I can't give you what you want I'm sorry" I said

"Is he from the village... You boyfriend?" He asked.

"Yeah he is! He's out of country for work"

"Hmm" he smiled. He is good in hiding emotions.

"Okay then bye" I said and he simply nodded. He made me out of the house and closed the door still with a smile and I don't know why but I was crying.

Manik's pov

I know she was lying about a boyfriend thing but I chose to stay quite. She can't have a boyfriend because if she has then why she wasn't having a phone to stay in touch with him, anyways I can't just make my own story. Maybe she isn't lying

But if she want me to stay away then I will, I know I made a bad move by kissing her but I couldn't stop myself. I wanted to so I did and I don't regret but I know maybe after today she won't come close to me

I lay on the couch thinking about today's incident until I was drifted away.

The next morning I got myself ready as today is sunday so she must be home, yeah that office is mine I was the one to hire her because I couldn't see her doing a lot of work for least money, there she don't work too much and is getting reasonable salary but of course I wont tell her

I am going to apologize to her for yesterday because I think its good to do. I'm not expecting anything in return. I came to her house but stopped through the window as I listened her arguing with someone

"Yes I do I do love him but you know I can't give him a chance Navya I just can't"

"Nandini enough you're reacting too much why don't you just forget everything and fucking move on? Aren't you tired of being alone? If you think you can live alone then just remind yourself about your mom she never wanted you to live the way she lived but see you're choosing the same path"

"I'm because I know after knowing the truth he will leave me and I don't have much courage to tell him about my past I can't. No one would like to live with a girl like me" she said. She was crying

"You know what I'm tired of explaining do whatever the fuck you want Nandini" saying so Navya left the house.

I went home back picking out my gun I followed Navya. She was going to some quiet place where no human was seen. She stopped there and cried. I went towards her pointing my gun on her forehead she was shocked


"Shhh! Not a word" She got scared

"What are you doin-"

"I said not a word Until I say"

"What you want?" She was moving back

"The truth"


"The truth Nandini is hiding and No lie or else I will kill you right here" I said

"What truth what you talking about?"

"The one you both were discussing a few minutes ago" her expressions changed

"I can't tell you its her secret I can-"

"You want to die?" I was hell serious

"Manik I can't ask herself she will-"

"She won't she will make a story and I have no stamina to stand her lies anymore so just tell me"

"Manik please-"

"On the count of three I will pull the trigger" I warned and her eyes got big


"Three... Two...O-"

"I am telling" she screamed closing her eyes


"First put down the gun please" She said and I did. We sat on the stone and she start speaking

"It all happened 5 years ago, she was very playing and entertaining girl. Everyone loved her she was a happy soul. She was in love with one of our neighbor and college guy Arnav... He too proposed her and they got into a relationship" she paused taking a deep breathe. I'm sure that bastard cheated her "Everything was fine, they were happy together but.."


"One night Nandini got missing and we start searching for her she never had phone to call and ask where she is and if she is fine but we all start searching for her and the next day we found her... Her"

"What?" My heart was beating fast

"She was laying lifeless on bed... Arnav rapped her in the drunk state" she completed and my body start burning with anger

"Where is that son of a Bitch now?" I asked trying to control my emotions

"He got in jail but Nandini took back the complain and he was sent out of country and he never came back... Now he is married and have kids as well and Nandini she lost her everything her mother died not able to bear the loss and after that I never saw her smiling until you came" I looked at her "She loves you but she is denying" she added and I smiled

"I know" I said. "Thank you" I got up putting the gun at my back

"But on one hand she is right about you, you seriously can kill someone for your own good" she said and I chuckled

"I wasn't going to kill you the gun is having no bullet" I said and was shocked

"You're such a jerk" She said

"Thank you" saying so I left.

I came Towards Nandini's house, knocked on the door and she opened

"Nav-" she stopped looking at me. I entered inside and she looked away.

I closed the door behind and smashed her lips with mine she tried to pull away but I held her hands pinning her to the wall.

"You were right" I said getting away but in reply she slapped me hard

"How cheap you are? What you think you're doing?" She asked and I smiled

"I love you damn it" I said hugging her


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