15: Meeting His Family

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Manik's Pov

The day is finally here we got married today. Everything was so beautiful, everyone enjoyed and still are enjoying.

We are sitting outside the house on chairs while the villagers are dancing happily. Actually I'm loving their way of celebrating sitting together and having fun is something I never witnessed in my life.

I looked at Nandini and she was happily moving here and there with the beats enjoying. She too looked and me and smiled

"You wanna dance?" I asked and she nodded

"With you" she said.

Getting up I held her hand, everyone hooted and we start dancing on the music, not a romantic dance but some party dance.

Cabir and Navya were also dancing. It was fun.


We came back home, I picked her up taking her to my room. I made her sit on bed sitting in front of her.

"What?" She asked as I was looking at her.


"Why are you looking like that?"

"I'm looking at my wife"

"Manik please"

"What please wifey?"

"I'm going to change my dress" she said

"Sure go" I said and she ran inside the bathroom. I chuckled nodding my head in disbelief.

After of 20 minutes she came back in a night suit, the pajama and shirt.

"This micky mouse suits you" I said

"I know I love this one" 

"So my beautiful wife about are your plans?" I asked as she sat besides me


"About this night"

"Manik look at time it 8pm already let's sleep" she said laying down

"Oh really? But you use to sleep till 11pm no?" I asked

"So? I'm sleeping early today"

"I can't believe you Nandini you're still shy of me?" I asked

"Yes I'm!" she said looking away

"Come I'll make sure to throw all your shyness away today" I pulled her on my laps.

She hide her face in my neck. I sided her hairs kissing her neck.

"You're comfortable right?" I asked and she looked at me

"I... I am" she said

"You sure? Look if you feel like not to then tell me I will stop" I said and she nodded "That's like my girl" she smiled

I kissed her lips slowly and lovingly, I don't want to hurt her in any way. I made her lay down


Nandini's pov

It's been a week, Everything is so beautiful with him. He take so much care of me like a kid and on a serious note I love it.

Today we're going to his house as Abhi his brother called us. He was angry with Manik but now he's fine. I met Mukti on wedding she is so adorable and kind girl.

"Nervous?" Manik asked as we came out of the car.

"No I have met Mukti before but As you said Abhi is a bit angry boy so yeah maybe a little" I said

"He will be nice to you don't worry" he said and I nodded.

Entering the house I met Mukti and her son Abhinash.

"So? How are you?" She asked me

"I'm fine you tell what's going on?" We sat down. Manik was playing with Abhinash.

"Nothing I was looking after the food" she said.

"Where is Abhi?" Manik asked.

"He will be back soon he got an urgent call from office so he had to leave"

"Oh Alright."

At dinner time We settle on our seats as Abhi is on the way. We were talking randomly when he entered the room.

"Good Evening!" He said

"Good Evening bro" Manik hugged him. "What took you so long?" 

"Nothing as you know I'm opening cafe so just busy with that" he said sitting in front of Manik

"By the way Abhi she is Nandini My wife" Manik introduced

"Oh sorry! Hi Nan... Nandini" he paused but continued. His expressions changed all of a sudden which was weird but he plastered a smile suddenly.

"Hi!" I said.

"Let's eat I'm hungry bro" Manik said while we start eating.

"By the way Manik you know Our company Malhotra Industries its getting good rates from market and we are getting so many deals" he said but his words caught my attention

I work there but its not his company! Wait he is also Malhotra! Why I didn't noticed this before. I looked at Manik but he was busy eating.

Later that night Mukti forced us to stay here only so we did. I came inside the room he was using phone but looking at me he kept it aside gesturing me to come.

I lay in his arms while he was playing with my hands.

"Manik can I ask you something?"


"That Malhotra Industries is your company right Where I work?" I asked


"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because I knew you will never accept the job that is why I hide the truth from you" he said. I caressed his hands playing with his fingers.


"Yes My love"

"I want you to join you mafia back" he moved back facing me


"Yes I mean I don't want to snatch your favorite things from you so I want you to rejoin"

"No need Nandini I'm happy with this simple life."

"Manik I'm telling you to do I know you  want to so there is no need to argue and moreover I know you won't hurt anyone so I have no problem" I said

"You know you are so cute I sometimes want to eat you" I chuckled

"Please you can't eat me"

"I can" he hovered over me.

Manik's Pov

We shift back to my house With Abhi and Mukti as Nandini wanted to. Nandini get back to work and I didn't stopped her because she wants to. I am sitting in study room working on the cafe Project as Abhi needed my help.

"Manik!" I turned around listening Abhi's Voice


"I need to talk to you"

"No now Abhi I'm busy" I said

"Its urgent leave the fucking work" he was beyond serious

"What happened?"


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