19. Our Paths Are Different Now (Last)

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Manik's pov

"Nandini did what?" I asked

"She aborted your baby" Navya said

"How can you say this? How do you know?" I asked

"She asked me not to tell you Manik actually she asked me not to tell anyone but It slipped from my mouth in front of Cabir and Manik I know you have the right to know that is why I'm telling you"

"How can she do this? I can't believe you... She isn't so cruel to kill an innocent just because she is angry with me no I can't believe this"

"She had done already Manik"

"No! She hadn't" I stood up leaving the house

"Manik where are you going?" Cabir asked

"She has to answer me"

"Manik you're angry don't go"

"So what if I'm? I will go and she has to answer all of my questions how can she do this to us?"

"There is no us left Manik she is never going to come back"

"So what? She would have at least tell me that she is pregnant but no... Arghhh I will go mad"

"Manik you will hurt her stop"

"I won't don't worry" saying so I left.

Giving an instant break I came out of car running inside the cafe.

"Where is Nandini?" I asked to one of the worker

"There" she pointed while I ran to her. She was taking an order from counter. I turned her around with a jerk

"What the... Manik what are you doing?" She asked

"How can you do this to me Nandini?"

"Leave me Manik this is my work place stop creating scenes" she said in a low voice

"Stop creating scenes? Really? Alright come out then" I said

"I don't want to talk to you Manik please leave"

"But I want to and I will are you coming out or not?"

"No I'm not you better stop wasting your time and leave"


"Manik leave" she was leaving but I held her again

"Why you aborted my baby?" I asked and she was freezed


"What what? I'm asking you why you aborted my baby who gave to the right to do everything on your own?"

"It was my baby I did What seemed right to me and you... Are no one to interfere"

"Oh really? Let me remind you Nandini I was the father I had all rights to knew but you ruined everything... Why tell me why?"

"Because I don't wanted the world to accuse him. I don't wanted him to feel what I felt all these years without my father so yeah"

"So you thought to kill him bravo seriously well done Nandini you given me the worst punishment of my life for the sins I haven't committed"

"You haven't committed? Then who did me?"

"I told you everything each and everything from start to end how and when everything happened you still don't believe me what you want me to do?"

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