18: I'm pregnant?

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Nandini's pov

"Nandini think again!" Navya said

"I have already made my mind Navya I want this"

"Look I know he isn't lying Nandini he really love you and I know he made a mistake but if you try to understand than he is actually not the one to blame... It's all his brother's fault instead of giving him the punishment you're doing all wrong to Manik is this right? Nandini All these years you hate yourself but after he came in your life you start loving yourself. You can't forget the fact that he did so much for your happiness! Everyone do mistakes and I know some mistakes can't be forgiven but in love everything can be Nandini As a friend I'm suggesting you please think again" she said.

"Navya I'm getting late for work We will talk later" I said and left.

I'm not working in that office anymore. I have rejoined that coffee shop I was working in before.

Taking an order I came towards the counter telling them about the orders. I felt dizzy all of a sudden everything blacked out.

"You fine?" One of the worker asked

"Yeah" I said holding my head.

I ran to the bathroom throwing everything on chair I Puked. What is going on? I washed my face two to three times and came out.

I'm not feeling well!

I asked the manager for a leave and thanks to god he let me go.

I called Navya and asked her to pick me up and I am feeling dizzy I can fall anytime.

"Nandini!" I was hold by someone before I could fall. I turned to look It was Manik.

I left him instantly ignoring his presence.

"You fine?" He asked but I didn't replied. We are still married so I know he has rights to ask but no I'm not going to answer him

"What's it to you?" I asked

"Nandini you're not looking fine let me take you to the doctor"

"I don't want"

"Oh Nandini you fine?" Navya came running

"Yeah Please take me away from here" I said. She looked at Manik then at me.

We left from there.


"Nothing to worry it happens in this condition" the doctor said. Navya is sitting besides me

"What condition?" I asked

"You don't know?"

"No? Is it something serious?" I asked

"You're pregnant Mrs. Nandini" she said.

I felt like the ground came out under my feet. I was speechless, is it a good news or bad news?

Coming out of the doctor I saw Manik I rolled my eyes

"Manik please leave me alone" I said

"Nandini I just want to know if you're fine?" He asked

"Yes as you can see I'm fine fit and fine" I said

"Actually she-" I held Navya's arm before she could speak.

"I said I'm fine Navya let's go" I took her away.

"Why didn't you let me tell him?" She asked

"Are you mad or what? Of course I won't tell him"

"But soon he will get to know you can't hide this from him Nandini"

"I can because I don't want this child No! I am giving him divorce so yeah I can't have this child"

"Nandini are you mad? You want to abort?"

"Yes I want to And you have my swear you won't tell anyone anything about my pregnancy promise me" I said

"But Nan-"

"Promise me"

"Fine I promise I won't"

"Thank you"

"But Nandini you're doing wrong I'm telling you"

"I'm doing good Navya you can't understand! Look soon we are getting divorce after that everyone will start talking about baby they will try to accuse me and about this baby when he will grow old he will ask about his dad what will I tell him? That see that is your father but we are not together anymore because he raped me seriously? No I can't I can't do this" I said

"Whatever it is Nandini you can abort if you want to but Manik has the right to know about this baby Nandini you're snatching his rights you shouldn't"

"Navya please leave this topic I am tired of this" I said

"Fine I am quite"  she zipped her mouth while I rolled my eyes.

The days past and I haven't seen Manik again which is definitely a good thing for me. I know he follow me but he never came in front of me

Manik's pov

Its been 3 weeks 2 days and 5 hours since she said she hate me. I can't forget those words of hers. She was right staying in jail wasn't difficult for me but staying here is beyond difficult. I see her in front of me still I can't talk to her. She again start working in that cafe.

I don't know if she will forgive me or not but I'm going to wait. She said she will file a divorce but I guess she hasn't yet which is very good for me.

I was waiting for her sitting on a bench as she is in cafe working. It was when I got a call from Cabir


"Where are you Manik?"

"What Happened?"

"Come to Navya's place asap"

"What are you doing there bro?"

"Leave this and come as soon as Possible Manik"

"Tell me Cabir if it is serious? Is it about Nandini?" I asked

"Yes it is related to her now please come asap"

I cut the call and sitting inside my car I start the engine. I hope its nothing to worry. She is in cafe then what they wanna talk about?

Coming there I knocked the door and Cabir opened the gate

"What happened what it is?" I asked

"Come inside"

"Navya Is Nandini alright?" I asked

"Sit Manik"

"What is going on will you please tell me?"

"Manik I will tell but you have to promise that will control yourself"

"Now you're scaring me For God's sake tell me! Cabir say something"

"Nandini aborted you child" Navya said.



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