12. Neighbor

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Nandini's POV

"Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself I'm such a jerk! Hi, Myself Manik your new neighbor" He said


"Yes I mean I'm your neighbor" he said

"Manik this is not a joke"

"So? You think I'm joking? The house besides yours is mine you can check if you want" he said

"Manik what you want?" I asked being irritate.

"Uhm I didn't knew you talk to your neighbors so rudely?"

"Not will everyone"

"Ouch it hurts" he acted. He is even serious? Yesterday I insulted him on face and today he is acting like nothing happened

"Its not funny"

"I know actually I need sugar" he said

"Okay wait here" I said and left inside

A pure Maniac he is!

"Here your sugar" I hand overed him a bowl

"Well thank you" he said and left

I closed the door and took a deep breathe. He's really shift here?

Is he mad or what? How can he just move here? Is it for me? Noo.... Why would he his wealthy life for me... Nandini stop thinking too much.

I lay on my bed to sleep but it was now irritating me why is he here? Oh godddd why I even met him. Yeah I do feel something for him but its nothing compare to Arnav with him I had different feelings which I know was love and love only but About Manik he is something different I don't know what I have for him but when he confessed his feelings I felt like I am in other world

The next morning I came back from work getting freshen up I was going to kitchen but the knock on the door stopped me. I know who he is, I rolled my eyes opening the door, I faked a smile

"Hello again" he said


"You already knew its me?" he asked

"Yes because no one disturbs me at this hour" I said sarcastically

"Oh I'm sorry for disturbing, I should leave" He said. I realized my words

"Hi stop!" He turned "What you want?"

"Uhm... Nothing just... Leave it I was thinking stupidly" he said.

"What it was?" I asked

"I wanted to invite you at my place for dinner and... A movie but..."

"Why only me? I mean there are so many neighbors around" I asked.

"But they all are older then me and even you so..." he said

"What if I say No?" 

"I won't force you obviously" he said

"What's for dinner?" I asked

"Whatever you wish for I mean you know I don't cook I will order so..." He said and I smiled

"Okay I'm in" I said and he smiled brightly.

"Come" he moved aside giving me a way.

I closed the door and moved. We entered his house. Everything was settled on place and it was clean and clear. How did he managed to settle too fast?

"Feel as home" he said. I sat on couch while he too sat besides me.

"So what would you like to eat? Pizza or something else?" He asked

"Whatever you feel like to order I will eat anything" I said

"As you say" He did something on his phone for few minutes

"You have maintained the house very well" I said and he smiled

"Yeah I guess"

"Manik as now we are talking face to face tell me the truth"


"Why you moved in here don't lie!" I asked

"Uhm... I wanted to what other reason can be?" He asked back

"Oh really please Manik I know you're lying look if it is because of me then go back I-"

"No its not because of you" he kept his hand on my lips. I felt a sudden sensation but I chose to ignore. He looked at my lips for a moment then moved his gaze back to my eyes "I know I have no chance with you so I won't try again I won't disturb you again I promise" he said And withdraw his hand

"Okay... Thank you" I said and he smiled lightly

"So, A movie?"  He asked and I nodded


"Which one is your favorite?" He asked

"I don't watch movies"

"Oh so I will play one" he said going towards tv. It is so embarrassing to be on such a place where everything is avail I don't have tv either.

After of a while the pizza arrived and we watched a movie, It was a mix of action, romance and thrill.

"Some movies are impossible so kuch action" I said and he chuckles

"But it looks good, No?" He asked drinking coca cola.

"Yeah I'm not into action movies" I said. I lay comfortably on sofa looking at tv but I can feel his continuous gaze on me "For how long you're gonna stare me?" I asked and he looked away

"I... Uhm... I wasn't staring" he lied

"Yeah I know"

"Actually it's something on your face" he said coming close, He wiped the corner of my lips and I looked at him

His touches effects me!

"Uhm... I think I should leave now its quite late" I said

"Yeah okay" a sudden tension was built between us. I was looking at tv not me and I was looking at him I don't know why "Okay then see you" saying so I get up to leave but he held my hand Pulling me on himself "Manik!"

"If I leave my mafia will you give me a chance?" He asked holding my face

"Manik please-"

"Tell me Nandini will you?" He asked

"I don't know I-"

I was shut my lips were sealed by his, it was shocking but I responded back without wasting a minute. His hands held my hairs pulling me close, His tongue was all inside my mouth exploring every inch. I got back to world and moved back, he looked me straight in his as like telling something through them

"You were right I left everything for you, I left My house my family for you because I can't stay away from you" I didn't realized I was still sitting on his lap

"Manik you shouldn't have" I said trying to get up but he stopped me

"I did and I don't regret" He said

"I still can't give you a chance I mean I would but..."

"But? Is there someone in your life? Tell me damn it I promise I won't ever disturb you"

"Yes! I love someone" I lied and he pecked my lips. He made me sit on the sofa back getting up

"I promise you won't be disturbed by me again!" He said. I got up

"Can't we be just friends Manik?" I asked the most stupid question and he looked at me


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