5. Leap!

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Nandini's pov

5 Years later

Its been 5 years to that incident but it still feels fresh. The person I loved given me the deep wound of my life.

I lost everything that day, My mother! She wasn't able to bear the shock she died on the spot! My studies I left going out of the house after that day. Navya help me with food and Mehmat uncle helps me with clothes as her wife is a taylor.

I took back the complain the next month only for Mehmat uncle. He asked Navya's brother to call him out and he left to England and is married now, he has a son as well

Navya's brother Harshad Is still ready to marry me but I can't! I know Navya convinced him but I can't let this happen

"Nandini!" I turned as she is here, I smiled "Ready?" She asked and I nodded

Yeah after 5 years I have decided to face the world. I got a job in a restaurant as a servant. My only job is to take orders and serve them.

Our Village has changed a lot. Some Rich Peoples bought this village and now every facility is avail here. From hospital to the five star hotel. I don't know who is that person but I listened they are very rich and popular

I came out of the house taking a deep breathe.

"Don't worry everything will be fine" she said and I smiled

"I know because you are by my side" She smiled

"I am always there"

I left for my work, Navya works in office as a manager. She continued her studies because I forced her to. Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve her

The work is fine I am actually enjoying here but I am not talking to someone frankly because I don't want new friends Navya is enough

"Hey Sir Can I have your order?" I asked and he nodded

"Please bring a plate of russian salad for me and What will you eat?" He asked the women in front of her

"Uhm A grilled chicken Steak will be fine for me along with a cold drink"

"Sure Mam"

Like this the day passed and it was time to go back home. While I was on my way I saw a kid sitting alone with a toy in his hands, I went near him

"Why are you sitting here Alone?" I asked

"I am lost"

"What? You are lost I mean where and how?"

"I came here with my dad but I left his hand and ran and now I don't know where he is"

"You don't know your house location?"

"I do But its far from here"

"Okay tell me the location of your house I will bring you there"

"I don't know much I just know My house number is 4 and My street name is Xyz"

"So you come with me"

I took him to the police station and after of an hour he finally found his location he called his dad and he came.

After a thank you session I left from there. I passed by the same street, I stopped as that haunted nightmare echoed in my mind. That house is no longer here. It is turned into a grocery store

I left from there!

The Next day:

I was passing by a street When I witnessed the same incident happened 5 years back

I have nothing to do with this.

I ignored!

Wow Nandini Wow, I can't believe! You are ignoring this? Are you serious? How can you be so mean? That day you helped Uncle Mehmat why? Because he was Arnav's dad you wanted to become good in his eyes? Shame on you girl

I took a deep breathe and went towards them

I pushed him away!

"Leave him!" I shouted

"Stay away from this" he shouted back

He wasn't wearing any mask

"No I won't stay away from this leave him"

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter just leave him"

"Sir let us handle her" one of his guard spoken

"No, it's fine" he left that guy and he ran

"Manik why you left him?" One of the boy asked but he didn't replied

He was looking at me actually staring me, I rolled my eyes and left from there

Manik's pov

I don't know what just happened she ordered me to leave that bastard and I did

"Manik why you left him?" Cabir asked but I didn't replied, she left!

"Beautiful" only these words left my mouth

"Manik!" He jerked me and I looked at him "I am talking to you?"

"We will catch him later" I said and we left not before looking her back for the last time

The whole day I was thinking about her. No doubt she is beautiful but what she has done to me? I am not able to stop myself from thinking about her


Why is she so attracting?

"Manik we are still not able to find him?" cabir said

"Its okay we will"

"Are you even listening to me? What has happened to you? Why are you behaving like this?"

"I don't know Man she has done some magic on me I am telling you"

"Oh come on man that girl she is not your type she Lives in that village"

"So? As if I care about her status"

"Manik come back to your senses if Abhishek got to know he will kill you"

"He won't he knows the feeling of love"

"Oh please! You met her for a minute and you fallen in love? Abhi will definitely kill us"

"He won't he is my brother he understands me now shut the fuck up and leave me alone"

"I do" I turned around listening Abhi's voice

He is my brother After dad he took over the Lead seat of Mafia but as he got married and her wife Mukti don't like him doing all this so he Hand overed me the state and seat.

"I think I am in love!"

"Oh really? And who is the girl?"

"I don't know but I will find out"

"I am sure you will but... You have to promise that you will concentrate on your work too"

"I promise Abhi you know me well"

"Yeah Yeah now sleep because tomorrow I need that bastard dead" He ordered

I kept my hand on my head

"Yes Boss"

He chuckled and left

"I will meet you tomorrow Miss Beautiful"

Alina ❤

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