6. Following?

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Nandini's pov

I was shocked when I saw him leaving that guy so easily but I ignored and left. The way he was looking at me was weird as like he never saw a girl before.

How can I forget they are Mafias they have a habit of glaring and starring. I still remember that mask guy whoever he was, he was rude arrogant and bastard as well

I have decided to call him MM i.e Maniac Mafia yeah this name suits their personality. Picking up my bag I left the house

I was walking by the street towards my job when I felt someone following me. Firstly I ignored but I again felt the same. I turned around to see no one. I again start moving until I got the same feeling. This time I didn't stopped I turned in an instant to see the same guy the MM

Is he following me?

Oh so he must be thinking to kidnap me and then kill me as If I am scared

"You... Why are you following me?" I asked

"Me? Oh no no I am not following you I just... I was just passing by"

"Oh please I know what you are trying to do Don't lie okay"

"What Am I trying to do?" He asked moving close

"Dear you alright? Is he disturbing you?" One of the villager asked

Actually I know his name but at this time I forgotten but whatever

"No uncle I am fine nothing to worry about"

"You sure?"


"As you say" Saying so he left

"Look I am not scared of you so just cut it off if you are here to kidnap me and then kill me then do whatever the fuck you want because I am not scared of you" I snapped

"Woho! Slow down girl! I am not here to kidnap you I was just... Just..."

"No words right?"

"Uhm... How should I explain I...I-"

"I don't need any explanations Mr. Just stay away from me and my village we aren't your property you better understand because next time I won't use words I will use actions and I.AM. SERIOUS.ABOUT. THIS"

Saying so I left

Manik's pov

Fuck my nervousness

Why I mean Why I wasn't able to speak anything in front of her why? I thought I will ask her name but me and my stupid mouth

"Manik!" I turned around, it was cabir


"We found him" he said and I nodded while we left

"We have to take him here Manik"

"Yes I know no one should know about this"

"Yeah but what if anyone again interfere? I mean that girl..."

"Oh shut up she won't and even if she will then I'll handle her"

"Yeah just like yesterday" he taunted while I glared him "sorry"

Nandini's POV

I have a gut feeling he is here for that guy again. He must be looking where I am going so that they can complete their incomplete task

Should I go back?

I looked at my watch, its time for my duty but what if they kill him? I can't take a risk right?

Arghhh what should I do?

I turned back, yes I will look after them. I came back to the same place where he was following me but to my surprise no one was here

Why he was following me then?

I was going to turn when my eyes fallen on their cars. They are here only but where? It was when my mind alarmed me

Behind the college!

I went there as fast as I could and yes I was right. The same guy was tied up on a chair with ropes and a cloth in mouth. The gun was on his forehead and that bastard was smirking

"Stop!" I shouted they all looked towards me. I went near them "I warned you" I said while he rolled his eyes

"Why are you interfering in this? Look you don't know what is going on so please stay away from this"

"No I won't stay away from this. What he did? He must have taken some money from you and now you are forcing him to pay you back no?" I asked and he opened his eyes wide with a smile

"How clever you are good sense of humor I like it" I rolled my eyes "But unfortunately its not the truth this matter is completely different from the speech you just given"

"Manik leave her and finish his game"

"Do you want me to finish your game i stead Mr?" I asked to that abnormal man

That MM chuckled but hide instantly

"Miss will you come on a side with me?" He asked and I raised my brows

"For what?"

"Because I need to talk to you and it's quite urgent"

"No I am not interested"

"Think again maybe its for your profit" he said

"Okay fine" I said and we left a little away from them


"Look whatever is happening here is not because of money or something. He deserves a punishment because he is a fucking bastard"

"Why he stolen something from you?"


"Then what he did will you please explain?" I asked with a sarcastic

"He...okay I am telling you but... You have to promise that you won't let anyone know about this in village"

"What it is?"

"First promise?"

"Okay fine now tell me"

"He made a girl pregnant lying about all love and shit and now when she is asking him to marry her he denied"

"So you thought to do justice by killing him?"

"Off course we aren't gonna kill him we just want to scare him so that he can agree but..."


"After yesterday he is feeling like he is save because of you"

I looked at him then at that guy. I saw the reflection of Arnav in him. My blood boiled

I left towards him took the fun from thay abnormal's hand and pointed in him. Taking off the cloth from his mouth I shouted

"What you guys think of yourself? You think we girls are a toy to use? You can do whatever the fuck you want with us and then leave like nothing happened? I am going to kill you and hang you in the middle of the village so that every guy here should think before ruining a girls life" I shouted and he got scared

"No no please I beg you don't pull the trigger"

"Why? You deserve this"

"No please I am sorry I will whatever you want I Promise" he finally said

"Good for you!"

I threw the gun on floor and left from there. I wiped the tears formed in my eyes which were definitely noticed by that MM but as if I care

"Take him with you and don't leave him until he take that girl home" I listened his voice


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