10: Job and Celebration

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Nandini's PoV

I am sitting in the office, No doubt this office more huge then I expected. There are so many girls waiting for their turn.

I don't know why but I'm hell nervous I took deep breathes calming myself. A girl around 25 entered inside the room.

"Hello everyone, I'm Assistant of Mr. Malhotra here and we are hiring an assistant for me, So I make sure to give answers accordingly. And yes it can be possible that sir choose the very first girl he call so please make your mind already. Please give me your resumes and wait here" she said

We all Hand overed her our resumes and waited for the call. After of minutes like ages she came back.

"Nandini Murtiy?" She called

"It's me!" I raised my hand

"You're the first, follow me!"  she said and I did

She knocked the door and entered inside along with me.

"Sir Nandini Murtiy!" She said and he nodded

"Please have a seat Miss Murtiy" he said and I sat while that assistant left.

"So Miss Nandini how did you find about us?" He asked

"Uhm... Through a friend"

"Alright. Any work experience?" He asked

"Not about office work but I'm recently working in a cafe"

"I see"

"Why you want to work with us?" He asked

"I want to do something on my own I mean becoming independent and having such an offer and opportunity all of a sudden brought me here so..." I don't know what shit I am blabbering

"Miss Nandini I have seen your resume You aren't well educated and you have to work experience"

"I know"

"Why you want me to hire you? Any reason?"

"Well to be honest I don't have any but  If I get the job then I definitely will work hard and you won't get any complain from my side" I said.

I'm over now What the fuck I'm doing?

"Well in that case..." He paused.

I wear my bag because I know what he is going to say. He stood up so I

"You can join from tomorrow sharp 8am" He said forwarding his hand

It took me a moment to register his words and when they hit I instantly shaked my hand with his

"Oh... Thank you so much Mr. Malhotra Thank you very very-"

"I'm not Malhotra, They don't work here I'm their business partner Sidharth Singh" He said with a smile

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't knew"

"That's fine it's not your fault"

"Then I should leave If you allow?" I asked

"Sure sure but... Be on time I can't tolerate mistakes and yeah Ahana will tell you details about salary and all" he said and I nodded

Coming out of the office I almost screamed, I can't believe I got the job. The starting salary is 50 thousand can you believe. I, the girl who haven't seen a note of 5 thousand in my life and now 50 thousand

Navya yes Navya I should tell her. I went towards her office which is right in front of Malhotra Industries.

Coming out of the elevator I saw her sitting on her place busy in computer.

"Navya" I called standing behind her

"Nandini? You here what happened you got the job?" She asked standing up

I made a sad face

"I told you I won't" I acted

"What why?"

"They said I have no experience"

"Bullshit"  She got sad and angry

"Navya" She looked at me "Are you ready to spent 50 thousand a month with me?" I asked

"What does that mean?" She asked and I smiled "Wait... You... You got the job right?" I nodded and she hugged me "See I told you, I'm so happy for you Nandini"

"Ehem Ehem" We broken the hug to see a lady standing

"Miss Navya should I bring you a coffee then you can sit down and talk how much you want?" She said Sarcastically

"Sorry mam"

"This is not allow in working hours so better don't so this again" she warned and left

"I will see you after work then you have to tell me everything in detail okay?" I nodded

I came out of the office waiting for the taxi, it was when my eyes fallen on Manik. He was coming out of Malhotra Industries. He looked at me and was coming to my way but I ignored and sat inside the taxi

The day passed in a blink I and Navya celebrated the news with some ice creams and chocolates.

"You Know I have listened the Malhotra boys as very handsome, No one ever saw them because they work underworld they often visit office but as a stranger"

"Why is that?"

"No one knows its still the secret"


"No doubt it is"  I looked at time 11:15

"I should sleep as tomorrow is the new day"

"Yeah and I should leave dad must be waiting for me" she said and left

The next day in the office went really good. Mr. Sidharth is really a nice person, a friendly behavior with colleagues, No attitude

I was on my way back when someone start walking besides me, I rolled my eyes as I know the owner

"What are you doing here?"

"Yesterday You ignored me right?" He asked

"No why would I do that?"

"But it seems like you did"

"You saw the wrong thing"


"You wanted to ask this only?"

"No I actually wanted to congratulate you as you got the job yesterday I wanted to say the same thing" he said

"Thank you but... How do you know I got the job?" I asked

"My friend works there, I saw you going out so I asked him and he told me"

"Oh I see" 

"Oh by the way are you free today I mean in the evening?" He asked

"Uhm... Why?"

"Actually I thought to celebrate as you got a job so... If you want to obviously" he said

Awww... He is shying, cutie.

Shut Up Nandini!

"I will see if I can"

"Oh alright no problem but I will wait for you"


"Uhm... Behind the college" He said rubbing his neck

He is acting weird!

"Okay" I said and left from there

Alina ❤

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