9. Dark Past

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Manik's pov

I turned around hiding my smile.


"You can eat"


"Yeah... Come" she opened the door and I entered inside. "Sit"

I sat on bed while she left to the kitchen. I was admiring her moves with an unknown smile on my face.

She gave me a plate while I start eating.

"It taste so good" I said

"Thank you for the compliment" she said with a small smile

"You live alone?" I asked and her expressions changed

"Yes" she said

"I think I asked wrong question" I said

"No you haven't! I don't have family they are dead" she said as like it's not a big deal

"I'm so so-"

"You don't have to" she cut be off. She left to the kitchen

I finished my food and left to the kitchen behind her

"Uhm... Plate" she turned around with a jerk "Sorry I scared you"

"No I was lost in my thoughts not your fault" she said

"I think I should leave now... Thank you for the food I really loved it"

"My pleas-" she stopped as the lights were off suddenly "What happened?" She asked

"I guess the electricity is gone" I said

"Where is the torch?" I realized she is not in kitchen anymore

I took out my phone turning on the flashlight. She looked at me, she was sweating all of a sudden

"Hey you fine?" I asked

"Y...yes" she said still searching for a torch" I held her arm. She is acting weird

"Calm down Nandini!"

"Leave me...I...please leave me" Is she scared of me?

No stupid she is getting some kind of attacks calm her down you crazy man

My subconscious spoken

I pulled her close hugging her tightly. She start pushing me away

"Calm down Nandini it's me no one is here, I won't harm you... I won't let anyone harm you... Trust me! Calm down" she released a breathe hugging me back

I start patting her hairs lightly kissing her forehead. She surely have some dark past

"You fine?" I asked

"Hmm" she said snuggling more into me. I smiled at the thought that she trust me

"Come sit down" I said and she sat on bed. I sat in front of her on my knees. "You don't have to search for torch anymore Nandini your phone has a feature of flashlight like me" I said

"How do you know I have phone?" She asked

"You don't have?" I tried to act smart

"Uhm... I have"

"So? Where it is?" She picked up a phone fron her back.

"Here" she hand overed me

"See, Slide it down and here see the icon of torch, touching it will turn on the light... See" I explained

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