16: Past Revealed

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Manik's Pov

I came out of the room as I wasn't able to breathe. No! I was crying. I need air. I came out of the house.

How Can this happen? I still can't believe this. How will I handle this? Arghhhh!

"Manik?" I turned around listening her voice. "What are you doing he... You're crying?" She asked, I wiped my tears.

"No Nandini why will I cry"

"No Manik you're crying tell me what happened?" She held my face in her hands

"Nothing my love I'm fine its just I'm stressed don't worry. You go and change you must be hungry right We'll eat together" I said

"You sure you're right?" She asked. I kissed her hands and nodded "I just come" she said and left.

Coming inside the house I saw Abhi sitting on couch using his phone while Mukti was sitting besides him watching Tv.

"How can you sit Calmly Abhi?" I shouted.

"What happened Manik?" Mukti asked.

"How are you so calm as like nothing has happened?" I was angry

"Calm down Manik watch your tone!" He said.

"After what you have tell me you still are asking me to watch my tone?"

"What happened? Manik come sit let's talk calmly" Mukti said

"Stay away from this Mukti You don't know anything so please"

"Manik Its an old thing its been 5 fucking years" he shouted back

"So... So what? You can't forget whether it's 5 years or 5 days you can't forget damn it! You're so shameless dude"

Nandini's pov

I came out of the room listening the shouts to see Manik and Abhi arguing
Mukti was trying to interfere but failed.

"Manik! Watch your tongue"

"What if I won't!"

"Manik" I called.

"Nandini you go to your room" I got scared. I never saw him so angry

"Why are you fighting Manik what happened please tell me... You're scaring me" I was in tears by now.

"My love it's nothing don't tense yourself come let's go to room" He said taking me upstairs.

Entering the room he sat on bed holding his head. I sat in front of him holding his hands.

"Manik you know you can share everything with me right?" I asked

"I know Nandini but trust me its nothing I am just angry with him about some work issue" He said but I'm not satisfied with the answer.

"As you say" I said.

"You go and change Then we'll go for dinner okay" he said and I nodded.

Taking my clothes from wardrobe I left to the bathroom. Taking a shower changing my clothes I came out but he wasn't here.

"Manik?" I looked in balcony but he wasn't there. I came out of the room looked down then in study room but he was no where.

He left the house?

"Mukti have you see Manik?" I asked but she nodded in a no.

I came back to my room picking my phone I called him but he's phone was here on the bed. It was when My eyes fallen on paper under the phone. Holding it in hand I start reading.

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