11. Feelings

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Nandini's pov

I got ready in a simple red frock as I have not so fancy dresses to wear. Looking myself in the mirror last time I left the house.

I reached behind the college to see everything decorated. I moved a bit forward and there it was written Happy birthday with a cake in the middle and some gifts around

"Happy birthday Nandini" I turned as he huskily wished me in my ear from my back. I looked at him

"How do you know?" I asked

"I found out somehow that's not a bug deal" he said. I again turned back

No doubt everything is so beautiful.

"You liked it?" He asked

"Hmm Its beautiful, Thank you"

"Let's cut the cake" he said and we moved forward

He gave me a knife while I cut the piece feeding him a bite. He was singing song and I was smiling.

"Here this is for you" he said giving me a gift.

"What's in there?"

"See yourself"

I unboxed the gift to see a necklace with a heart. It was looking of gold

"Is this real gold?" I asked


"Why is it looking like one"

"Because its new. I know you would never accept such expensive gift that is why..." He said

"Should I make you wear?" He asked while I nodded.

I turned around siding my hairs in front. He helped me wear the necklace then himself setting my hairs on back. I can feel his breathe on my ear

He turned me around holding my waist. He put my hand on his shoulder while entwines the rest ones together

"You know You're looking beautiful in this dress" he said and I smiled. We start moving in a rhythm

"Thank you" he twirls me around and back

"Nandini" His tone was husky

"Listening" he kept his head near my ear kissing my hairs

"I love you" I looked at him and he smiled. I moved away from him


"Look I know its very sudden for you but... I don't want to hide it anymore Nandini I really love you" he tried to come close but I showed him hand

"Please stay away!"


"Manik I told you I have no feelings for you"

"When? When you said you don't have any feelings for me?"

"That day at my house I clearly said I don't like you there is nothing between us and there can't be ever"

"Why Nandini why? Can't you give me a chance? "

"Because you're a gangster and I hate them which technically means I hate you" I said aloud

"You Can't hate me just because I'm a gangster. I accept I'm one of them but I never hurt people without any reason" he said

"So what? I don't want any explanations Manik my decision will never change"

"Nandini this is unfair" he held me close

"What unfair Manik I didn't asked you to fall in love with me and I don't love you the thing ends here"

He took a deep breathe closing hid eyes.

"What if I wasn't a gangster?"  He asked

"Then maybe I would thought about you" I said. I came out of his grip

"Thank you for such a gift Manik" Saying so I left from there

I came back home to see Naya with a small cake in front. I smiled

"Happy birthday" she shouted hugging me tightly

"Thank you baby" I said hugging her back.

We chit chat for a while and I told her everything about Manik. She said the same what Manik said about a chance.

"Please Navya don't start this I'm already tired"

"Nandini what? Why don't you think you're loosing a diamond. Don't lie that because he is a gangster that is why you're not giving him a chance I know the reality. Just because your first relationship doesn't work you're loosing another. Nandini give him a chance he will take care of you. You will forget about everything I saw you smiling whenever you talk about him with me how can you say you don't feel anything for him?"

"I don't Navya I really don't feel anything for him and its truth"

"Oh please just shut up Already Nandini you can't lie to me"

"Navya please let's not argue I wanna sleep I'm tired" I lied and lay down

"Fine good night I'm leaving" she said and left closing the door

I closed my eyes and his face popped in front of me. The way he expressed his feelings to me, I smiled. I wish I could give him a chance but I'm scared he will leave me after knowing the truth about me.

The next morning I wake up getting ready for the Office. I looked myself in the mirror and my eyes fallen on the locket. I held it in my hands caressing it a bit. A smile appears on my face. I shrug my head and came out of the house.

There was a truck standing unloading the things.

"Meera is someone shifting here?" I asked

"Yeah Uncle Ram sold this house A guy is shifting"

I left to work. No doubt everyone is busy in their own life's.

At night I came back from work and saw Meera and Saleem dancing, I smiled. They are husband and wife and right now they're enjoying their wedding anniversary, yes on the street. Its one of our way to celebrate with almost everyone.

I entered the house and changed my clothes. After eating my food, I used mobile for sometime as I am learning how to use it. I clicked some photos in office today with some Colleagues. Turning off the phone I was going to lay when someone knocked the door. I got up and opened the door

"Hi can I have some sugar?" he asked

"Manik! Why are you here?" I asked

"See I'm asking for some sugar Nandini"

"Manik Its not funny you are here to get some sugar? From your house are you even serious?" I asked folding my arms

"Yeah! My house is next to yours"


"Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself I'm such a jerk! Hi, Myself Manik your new neighbor" He said



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