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"Breaking news! A new villain has emerged but where is Ladybug? Ha-"

Alya turned the t.v off and threw the remote to the seat beside her, tilting her head back.

"This is ridiculous! You know what? I'm going to get Marinette. Nino, you're coming with me."

She stood up, grabbing her keys as she pulled her husband out the door.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Marinette is still-"

"Recovering? She gets discharged from the hospital tomorrow so I think one day sooner won't hurt."

They got in the elevator and took it to the main floor, leaving the apartment complex and getting into their car.

When they arrived at the hospital, they stopped at Marinette's door. Alya held her hand up to knock but stopped when she heard voices coming from inside.

"Marinette, you gotta do something about it. He's definitely cheating or something. A guy doesn't just promise a girl that he'll come back and then not come back. How many hours has it been?"

"I'm sure he's just busy, he's an adult now and has responsibilities."

"Responsibilities my a-"

The boy stopped talking when the door opened. Alya came marching in, grabbing the boys hand and yanking him out the room. She closed the door in his face and then turned back.

"Alya! What did you do that for?"

"Look, Marinette he's been lying to you. Adrien was supposed to come back here but he got held up in an akuma attack. Believe it or not, I don't care. But if you believe that psychopath more than us, maybe you should just end things with Adrien."

"Alya! He's not a psychopath. He's really nice and-"

"He deleted our numbers from your phone! He's controlling and manipulative!"

"How do you know that? Do you have proof?"

"I don't need proof, girl! It's literally obvious!"

"You don't know what you're talking about. Can you two please just go?"

"Are you serious right now? After everything that happened, all the times we stood up for you, you're treating us like this?"

"You're just upset because I've been hanging out with LJ. I haven't spoken to you guys in five years and you're just gonna pretend like no time has passed when it has!"

"That's not our fault, Mari."

"Just go! I don't want any visitors right now."

"Come on, Alya. Let's just go."

Nino took Alya's hand as they turned to the door to leave. As Nino stepped out, Alya turned back to Marinette with a disgusted look.

"I hope Adrien sees how much you've changed. I don't want you to pick sides but it's sad that you're choosing LJ over us. Especially after Adrien waited this long for you when he didn't have to."

Alya started to leave but stopped again, not turning around this time.

"Oh, and Marinette? I hope you're happy with this decision."

As Alya and Nino walked down the halls, the brunette hung her head down low.

"Nino, I can't believe she said those things. After everything we've done? If I would've known she was going to be like this when she came back I would've told Adrien to just move on. This isn't fair for him. She's my friend and everything but..."

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