Chapter 1: "Breakdown in the Unknown Corridor"

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(Akito's pov:)

I've felt that I'm growing closer to a certain someone, but I refuse to believe it myself.

The truth is, that I like An. An Shiraishi, who is my band mate.

Now, I have been good at hiding my feelings from the group. Except Toya. He's suspicious.

And I-
"...." (guys he was dreaming I swear.)

"Shinonome. What did I say about sleeping in class."

Waking up in the middle of class by an angry teacher, such a mood killer. Especially if you're having a good dream.

"You've told me many times to not sleep in class. I apologize." I say

"At least you know better. Unlike the upper classmen, you juniors know better than them."

"Not surprised. But, you may wanna continue with the lesson."

"My bad, just. Don't fall asleep anymore in class today."

"Yeah yeah, I get it."

As the teacher continued the lesson, I started reminiscing about the dream I had. I could tell that I was blushing but it wasn't very visible.


"Okay class, there is homework due tomorrow so please make sure to do that."

I pack my bag and just leave. I didn't wanna dwell in that class any longer than I already have.

Seeing as Toya is waiting for me in the hall by himself. As per usual, he'd most likely wanna talk to me about Kohane. Who is his girlfriend.

(Akito, Toya)

"What's up? Normally I'd be waiting for you, did you decide to leave class early?"

"No, I left class at regular time. I was just quicker than you were."

"Very funny."
"Anything new that you wanna share?"

"Yes. Me and Kohane are planning to hang out sometime today, so if it's alright with you and Shiraishi-san then could we move practice to tomorrow?"
"I don't wanna stress out Kohane.."

"Dude, it's okay. I'll tell An and we can move practice to tomorrow. You just focus on having fun with your girlfriend today." I smile.

"Thank you, Akito. I owe one some time."

"Haha, you don't need to owe me."

"I'm pretty sure I can do a big favour with one person in mind. Shiraishi."

"Y'know what, you can keep An out of this for now." I start getting defensive.

"Okay, Akito. Well, I'm going to go to my next class. Also I'm going to eat lunch with Tsukasa today so I apologize beforehand."

"Nah, it's fine. I'll find someone else to hang out with me for lunch"

"Okay, well. I'll see you sometime soon." Toya walks away, I decided to skip this class because I didn't feel like going.

I've noticed that a lot more bully groups have been forming around the school. Cornering students and beating them up, for approximately zero reasons why.

I sat in the courtyard for most of my time because I had nothing else to do.

Deciding that I go back inside and roam around inside the school. it was quite calm and peaceful at the time

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