Chapter 10: "To You, Who I Love So Much."

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{Be warned, if I make you sob during this chapter I am so sorry. But I wanted to write angst}

(Akito's pov:)

I was walking home in a hurry. Because I wanted to rest.

Going into my house, was dead silent.

It was eerie. I assumed Ena was home and I took off my shoes and walked to my room with my bag on my shoulders.

I changed out of my uniform and just laid on my bed. Scrolling on social media.

I decided that I would take a nap, because I was tired from school.

Huddled under my bed covers, I slowly close my eyes.

(Ena's pov:)

Doing a lot of work is tiring, especially with a new song your group is producing.

I had to catch up on my illustrations, I was perfecting my details a bit too much.

After a while, we all agreed to log off for the time being until 1 Am (25:00).

I heard a soft knock on the door, it was Mom who knocked.

(Ena, Mrs.Shinonome)

"Hi Mom, what do you need?"

"Hi Ena, I was wondering if you wanted to chat."

"Oh? Sure, I guess."

I let her in my room and closed the door, we sat together on my bed.

"So.. I uh was wondering-"
"Goodness.. How do I say this.."

"Mom? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I was wondering about something."

"Oh? What's that?"

"I want to understand you and Akito better. But how should I do it?"
"Oh.. Now I remember. I wanted to understand your sexualities better."


"Mhm. So, uh I was just wondering what your sexualities meant."

"Well as you know, I am Pansexual. Meaning I am attracted to people regardless of their gender."
"Meanwhile Akito is Bisexual. Meaning he's attracted to both men and women."

"Ah, I see. Well as it seems, you and Akito have my full support. Even though your father doesn't."

"Of course he wouldn't support, he barely has.."

I felt the atmosphere in the room changing, Mom acted slightly different. The gaze in her eyes said it all..

"Dont be like that.. You know that he tries to but your sensitivity just takes over you."

"My.. sensitivity-?"

"Think about it, Ena. You start crying when negative feedback comes at you, because of all the praise you seek for. The negative things hit you the hardest."
"It's why you seek attention the most. You're sensitive but just can't realize it till you end up hurting someone or yourself."

"That's not true..!"
"You can't prove of that!?"

"Oh? But right now, I can clearly see your sensitivity arising from me just saying the truth."


"Hush Ena.. You don't wanna wake up your brother. Do you?" She brought me close to her, distinctively whispering in my ear.

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