Chapter 6: "After Your Night Faked the Glow"

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(An's pov:)

After I got home from visiting Akito, I went straight into my room and fell asleep. Because I was tired.

(Next Day at School)

Walking up to the school gate and not see Akito there was very weird.

Normally he'd be waiting there for me, but he isn't today because of him being admitted to the hospital.

I had home room today with Mizuki. As I made it into the classroom, I saw that we had a seating arrangement.

I was no longer sitting beside Mizuki, now it was by some random dude.

I decided to just sit down beside the random guy. He kinda just glared at me and studied me. It definitely creeped me out.

Mizuki was sitting in front of me this time. All by themselves.

I didn't wanna look beside me at all. I refused to.

An hour passed, and the guy was making me feel more uncomfortable. I couldn't bear to sit beside him anymore.

(An, Mizuki, An's seat mate, Teacher)

"Miss, Can I leave the classroom for a bit? My desk mate is making me feel uncomfortable."

"Sure, you can bring someone else with you"

"I'll go."

"Thank you, Akiyama. I can let you both be dissmissed."

"Thank you very much, Miss." Mizuki grabs my hand and our bags. Leading us out the classroom.

"Actually miss, can I take a lap around the school for a bit? It won't be long."

"Fine. But if you are not back in 10 minutes, its detention for you sir."

"Thank you, miss." The student gets up and leaves.

We were by Mizuki's locker and as they opened up their locker, I saw a pan in there.

(An, Mizuki)

"Why's there a pan in your locker-?" I pointed it out as Mizuki put it in their bag.

"Safety first, An-chan. Who knows what that classmate can do to you."

"Yeah true.."

"Hey, can you meet me up at the rooftop? I have to fill my water bottle real quick."

"Okay, I'll see you there."

I parted ways with Mizuki and turned to direction of where the rooftop stairs were.

Every time I see these stairs, it just brings back memories of yesterday. They won't leave me alone.

The rooftop currently haunts me, these memories are just so emotional to me that I can barely handle it.

I sat down leaning against the fence of the rooftop. Soft breeze brushed my face, I watched as the rooftop doors hurled open. I saw my deskmate walk out of the doors.

Taken aback, I started getting anxious. He faces my direction and smiles, clearly seeing some blush plastered on his face from walking upon me. Alone.

(An, Mizuki, A-1 Classmate)

"An? What's a girl like you doing up here alone." He walked towards me.

"Can you not be so close to me, please-"

"Oh? Why are you saying that?"

"I don't want you near me-"

"Why's that~ Cmon, I won't bite."

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