Chapter 15: "From Now On.."

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(Akito's pov:)

I loved waking up to An beside me, knowing that she was sleeping peacefully alongside me was so precious.

Everything about An, I absolutely loved. She's so beautiful and talented. I was very lucky that I fell in love with her.

After I figured out that prom was today, school was closed because of the setup. So I wanted to ask An as soon as I can.

I checked the time, 7:45 am. An was still sleeping and I knew she hated being woken up.

I decided to scroll on social media for a while, gently kissing her every so often because why not. I love her.


I look over to where An was cuddled up and saw that she was waking up.

I stopped scrolling on my phone and hugged An tightly.

She was slowly waking up. Which was good.

"Aki.." I hear An quietly say.

"Good morning, my love."

"Morning-" she says, half awake.

I smile at her, and I couldn't help but admire her.

"You need to get up now, and go eat breakfast. I'm not going to let you lay in my arms forever.." I sigh.

"But, Aki.." An pleaded.

"Nope, I love you but get up and get something to eat."

"Hm.. Fine." An reluctantly gets up and leaves her spot.

I follow after her to the kitchen, noticing that Ena and Mizuki were not home. They left a note for me and An.

I go into the kitchen and started getting something to eat. I saw that we had a couple of oatmeal packets in the cupboard so I took that.

I put the opened packages into a bowl just as I feel someone put their arms around my waist. It was An, still half awake.

"Cmon, love, you know that you have to at least get something to eat." I sigh, turning around and hug her back.


I sigh, letting An cling onto me. I poured an estimated amount of milk into the bowl and popped it into the microwave.

If An wasn't going to get food, then I guess I don't have a choice.

After I took out the microwaved oatmeal, I made my decision very clear in my mind.

I sat on the kitchen floor and sat the bowl down beside me, then I undid An's grip around my waist.

"Love, can you sit please?" I indicated to her to sit in my lap.


An sat in my lap, I took the bowl and started hand feeding her. Because of An being stubborn.

After a couple minutes, we both go back to my room to get ready for the day.

"Aki, can we go out?" An says to me, I pause what I was doing.

I knew I had to ask An out for prom soon because it's happening tonight.

"Yeah, we can."


I smiled at the idea I had in my mind. But I didn't how I should play it out.

I look at An, who's being a bundle of energy. I smiled at her.

"Aki, why are you smiling?"

"Oh, no reason." I walk up to An.

I lightly pin An to the wall, I still kept smiling. An was blushing so hard.

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