Chapter 4: "Synthesize to Realize"

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(Akito's pov:)

Standing in front of the school gate is always slightly awkward. Just standing there waiting with absolute silence is creepy to some people.

I see An walking up to the gate, I greet her with a wave.

"Hey, An. Did you get sleep like I told you last night?" I study her face, she looked tired.

"Yeah. But, I didn't sleep until about 1 am-"

I pull her to a grassy area of the courtyard, we stood under a tree.

"What do you mean that you didn't sleep until 1 am-?"

"Sorry, Aki. But I just couldn't fall asleep right after the call, something was bothering me but I can't tell you.."

"Why would you stay up later, my love?"

"I don't know okay?-"

"M'kay. Sorry about the pressure of the question-"

"It's fine, let's just go inside the school now."

I nod, walking beside An to head into the large building.

"Did you wanna have lunch together, An?" I mention to her. She turns to face me and smiles.

"Sure! I'd like that." An cheered.

"Great, I'll meet you under the tree in the courtyard from this morning."
"I should head to class, it's going to start soon." I walk away, waving An goodbye.

I enter my first class, which was Art. I felt not as passionate for art as Ena was. But, I still knew how to draw pretty well due to my dad.

"Welcome back class, did everyone enjoy their weekend. I know I did but that's not very important now."
"Today, we'll be doing a sketch. But, it's not an ordinary sketch day. Today's prompt is 'What You Care About.' It's about who you care about most. So you all can get started and sketch away."

I felt motivated to sketch but I didn't didn't know what to do.

I thought about sketching An, but some of the people in the class will recognize her and suspect me.

I just went with sketching An because she was the one I care most about currently.

I put my earbuds in and connect them to my phone, and I just play soundtracks of An just singing solos. (Akito is a simp fr fr)

I realized how well the drawing was coming together. I continued to focus more, including the minor details such as her clips, the stars in her hair and her star earrings.

When I finished the drawing, I took a photo of it to show my work to her. One of my classmates looked at the drawing I did.

(Classmate, Akito)

"Woah dude, did you draw Shiraishi An? The hall monitor?"

"Yeah, I did. She's my band mate."

"Bro, you're so lucky that you have her as a band mate. She's so talented, pretty, and not to mention that she's so amazing."

"Yup. She's really amazing. Do you like her or something?-" I asked with genuine curiosity.

"Dude, who wouldn't like her? She's just a very pretty girl, I must admit. I do have a crush on her."
"But I doubt she'd say yes.."

"Y'know you don't have to go for the well known girls. Just go for someone who you like."
"Now, if you shall excuse me. I need to hand this in."

I get up to hand in my art assignment. The reaction the teacher gave was honestly not that surprising to me.

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