Chapter 7: "The Eyes I Have For You.."

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(The following few chapters may include sexual humor/sexual behaviour. There's no smut happening but its a little bit heated. Please be aware, if uncomfortable. Do not read if you dont like it. - Author)

(Akito's pov:)

I disliked staying overnight in the hospital. There wasn't much to do, but one thing that I was wanting was An.

I wanted her comfort, her embrace, her lips upon mine. I needed her to just be with me.

I was basically touch-starved if I couldn't have An in my arms. Feeling our warmth connecting was soothing, and yet calming.

There were some things that I didn't wanna mention to An.. especially the kinds of dreams I've had. I must admit, my dreams were a bit messed up but I enjoyed the idea.

I couldn't help with the kind of dreams I've had sometimes. The feeling of being aroused was exciting me, but I wouldn't dare to do anything like that to An.

We're both in highschool, and hearing about two teens who fucked each other spreads like wildfire. I know that I am capable of doing that but I don't wanna do that to An.

I just didn't want her to hate me. So, I wouldn't dare to tell her my dreams.

(40 minutes later..)

I wake up from my sleep to see An peering over my bed, it startled me.

{Akito, An, Rui}

"Hiii, Aki~" An sweetly spoke.

"Hey, love." I greet her back. Now facing Rui, who was in the room too.

"Why is Kamishiro-san here?" I questioned.

"I was accompanying An on the trip here. Something happened at school and Mizuki knocked out another student with the pan."

"An, my darling. What happened at school?"

"One of my classmates was harassing me on the rooftop. He pinned me to the fence and started making me uncomfortable."
"He also called me pet names and told me that I was his and that he loved me and he would've killed Mizuki if they didn't stop talking. He also called Mizuki a slur."

"Someone is going to fucking pay for what they did."
"And I hope they fucking die for hurting you."

An kissed me to soothe my ongoing tension, I calmed down as she kissed me more deeply.

She breaks the kiss and sits on the hospital bed beside me. Cuddling close to my body.

"Mizuki found me and Tsukasa-kun in the 2nd floor hallway. They were holding An's hand as to not leave her behind."
"They asked both of us if An and them can stick with us."

"I thank you for trying to keep An safe, Kamishiro-senpai."

"Hehe~ You're welcome Akito-kun."

An lays down in my lap, her golden eyes interlocked with my own.

"If you want, Kamishiro-"

"Just call me Rui, It'll be easier."

"Okay, Rui."
"As I was saying, you are welcome to stay and chat or you can leave if you want."

"Hehe~ I'll give you both privacy. Kasa is waiting for me somewhere so I have to leave."
"Bye bye, Akito"

I waved goodbye and Rui put his signature smile on his gay looking face. My focus was on An now, who was cuddling in my lap.

I pulled her up more, her softly sleeping on my chest as I laid back. Rubbing her back slowly and just cuddling her.

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