Chapter 12: "Embrace to Re-lace Our Lost Time"

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(An's pov:)

I started feeling hopeless. Akito hasn't returned to practice in a month.

I began to wonder if he even loved me.

Toya and Kohane were practicing singing, meanwhile I sat on the stage. Silently crying, wishing with everything I could for Akito to come back.

(An, Kohane, Toya)


"Kohane? What's the matter?"

"Is An.. crying?"

"I think she is-"

"Where's Shinonome-kun?-"
"He hasn't come to practice for a month, and An's mental health is just deteriorating already."
"Where is he when we desperately need him..."

"I don't know, but we can only hope more that he might show up today.."

I see Kohane run up to me with Toya shortly following her, they both sat beside me.

"Has Akito arrived yet.." I bury my head into my arms which were propped onto my knees.


"He hasn't come here yet"

"It's been a month, where did he go.."

"He'll come back, An-chan!"
"I just know it."

"I agree with Kohane."

"Now what. Are you guys giving me yet another empty promise." I said, fed up with the last few times they promised.

"No, this time. It's a real promise, An."

"Yeah, I promise too."

I looked at them both. The two pairs of eyes from both of them shun with hope.

I sighed loudly, rolled my eyes and went back to covering my face yet again.

(Kohane's pov:)

I looked at Toya, silently pointing to An to get him to help her.

He nods, starting a small conversation with An meanwhile I get up and sprint out of the building we were having practice in.

I push open the doors and looked at the gleaming sun which was shining down to me.

I started running down the street. Calling Akito's name.

"Shinonome-kun! Where are you?"

I continued to run down the street, turning around the block. Shouting for him as I desperately needed him to help An.

"AKITO?! I NEED YOU, ITS ABOUT AN! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME.." I stopped running and shouted as loud as my voice could go.

I fell to my knees, gasping for air.

Then, I heard a familiar voice.

"Kohane?" I looked up and saw the ginger boy standing over me.

"Shinonome-kun..! I found you!"
"Come quickly, An desperately needs you!"

"Wait what happened to An-"

"Just follow, and hurry!"

I started running again with Akito following behind me. I was focused on leading him to An that I didn't expect what happened next.

"Kohane, watch out!" Akito shouted. I fell onto the ground, scraping my knee as I tripped.

"O-Ow.." I say, fighting back my urge to cry. I've never usually fallen onto the ground, so I didn't know the pain level.

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