Chapter 2: "Unexpected Invitation to the Shinonome's?"

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(Akito's pov:)

I finally did it. I'm not single anymore, An and I are together.

The moments of yesterday in the infirmary were surreal. But, I'm happy now.

(Akito, Toya)
"Akito? You seem in more of a good mood than usual, did something happen?" Toya questions as we walk to a cafe.

"Yeah, something did happen. But, I can't say anything about it because it's a surprise." I lied.

"Ah, that's fair. Don't ruin the surprise though because then it's not a surprise anymore."

"Chill, Toya. I won't ruin the surprise."

We both walk into the cafe and get a spot to sit down, it was the weekend today so no school.

"So, still crushing on Shiraishi?" Toya asked me.

"Yeah. But, I plan on inviting her over to my house for dinner today."

"Sounds fun, me and Kohane are going to her house for dinner tonight. My dad isn't liking Kohane much right now."

"Dude. Your dad just fucking sucks, he's lame."

"That may be true but I still love him even after what he has put me through."

"Right, I'm sorry.."

I just stayed silent for somewhat a very long time, thinking about An. I decided to shoot her a text.

♡︎ My Love (An) ♡︎

ginger<3: "Hey, love. How are you feeling today?"
♡︎ My love (An) ♡︎:
"I'm doing okay.."

ginger<3: "Is something bothering you, love?"
"You can tell me, An. <3"

♡︎ My love (An) ♡︎:
"Well, you're hanging out with Toya rn. And I feel lonely without you. 😔"

ginger<3: "Love, its alright. We can hang out at my house tonight just us in my room. So, please don't feel like that.."

♡︎ My love (An) ♡︎:
"Okay <3. I'll do it for you, my love."

ginger<3: "Thanks, love. I gtg but I'll ttyl <3"

I turned off my phone and so did Toya, we continued to talk. Then a waitress came to us to ask for our order.
(Akito, Toya, Waitress)

"Hello! Welcome to the Main Street Cafe. What drinks can I get you boys this afternoon?" she stared at us.

"Can I have an Iced Tea please?"

"Of course!" she winked at me.
"And what about you?" she asked Toya.

"Coffee, just black please."

"Okay! I'll be back with your drinks!"

I look at Toya with a disgusted, dull expression.

"Dude, did you see? She literally winked at me.." I say, rolling my eyes.

"I saw. I don't know why she did that. Just ignore it." Toya told me.

"Alright, besides. I'm heading home after this and then going to get An." I say.

I was planning on ordering food but I couldn't bear the waitress anymore. So I didn't bother.

"Here you boys go! Enjoy~" she smiles at me and Toya.

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