Chapter 3: "Echoes from the Alley"

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(An's pov:)

It was already morning, somehow I was awake before Akito.

I look over to him, assuming he was fast asleep. I decided to get up and hide in his bathroom, quietly closing the door but keeping the lights off.

I knew it was correct to hide because I heard someone opening Akito's bedroom door.

(Akito, Ena)

"Why the fuck are you in my room."

"Because. I want you to buy me food."

"Fuck no. You literally purposely woke me up for this. Not a chance."

"The store is literally a few blocks away. And you dont wanna take a few minutes to walk there and get food for me.?"

"Ugh. Fine, just get out."

"Thanks, Akito." I hear Ena close the door and I hear Akito trying to look for me.

"An?" I hear him say, gently knocking on the door of his bathroom.


"What are you doing in there?"


"An. I'm opening the door."

Akito opened the door and turned on the light.

I was feeling severe pain in my stomach, but I didn't know how to tell him.

"Are you okay, An?"


"Are you sure-"

"Akito, I'm fine."

"Okay okay, I just wanted to make sure that you're alright." His face flushes a bit red.

"Can you close the door please?"

"Yeah, just don't take 30 minutes in the bathroom please"

"I won't, I promise." I smiled.

Akito closed the door, and with me sighing of relief. The pain in my bruises on my stomach were way more painful.

I finished getting dressed, while still wearing Akito's hoodie. But I took it off to give it back to him.

I open the door and see Akito still changing. I couldn't help but admire his body a bit, I felt my face heat up.

While quickly turning off the light in the bathroom, I slowly closed the door partially and sit down. Blushing furiously at what I saw.

The mental image wouldn't leave me alone. Seeing Akito shirtless just stuck with me, and I secretly liked it.

After I calmed down, I walked out of the bathroom like nothing happen.

"I see that you're holding my hoodie? Why?"

"Because I thought you would want it back"

"You can keep it."

"But- it's yours-"

"It is. But for now, it is yours."

"Thank you, Aki" I smile at him, setting the hoodie into my bag.

"Should we go to a cafe on the way back to your house?"

"Why are we going to my house?-"

"Because we can hang out there, it's more quiet than my house."

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