Chapter 8: "My Grasp on the Ribbon Knots"

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(An's pov:)

Waking up to a brightly lit room isn't all fun and games.

I panicked and started freaking out. But someone just held me still, and kissed me.

Realizing that it was Akito that kissed, I kissed him back.

(An, Akito)

"Now now, you're okay An. I'm here with you." He softly kissed my cheek.

"Where's Mizuki?-" I asked.

Akito looks over to where Mizuki was supposed to be asleep. But Mizuki wasn't there.

"Are they downstairs?"


We both get up and walk downstairs to my living room. We ended up finding them on the couch.

"Mizuki.. wake up?" I nudged them.

"Huh.. Oh? An? You're awake?-"

"Yeah, I'm fine now by the way."

"Akiyama, are you okay?-"
"You don't seem well."

"I stayed up pretty late, but I'm fine" They said, smiling lightly.

"Okay then.. What now-?"

"We should go to Mizuki's. I haven't been there in so long."

"A-Akiyama's house..?"

"Is something wrong with my house?"

"N-No.. it's just that I'd be out of place in your room, Akiyama."

"It's fine, we can all find something to do like Truth or Dare, or something.." Me and Akito hear the sheepish laugh from them.

"How about we can all go home for a few days, we clearly need a mental health break and my parents come home today."
"We've been through so much lately, it's just best to take a break."

"Awhh. I was hyped to have you guys over."

"An's probably right. We all need sometime to ourselves for a bit. It's just to sort out our lives."
"Meanwhile I have to deal with my sister and her destroyed relationship with my parents."

"Well, I guess you guys better leave now before my parents get back."

Watching as both Mizuki and Akito leave was difficult.

I sat on the couch, contemplating everything.
Realizing something, most of the events that happened were targeted at me and Akito. No one else, which was strange.

(Rui's pov:)

It was a nice night for a walk, I gotta admit it.
The stars were shining nicely in the navy sky, walking under this kind of sky is very nice.

The sidewalks were quite busy, but I had somehow recognized a familiar figure.

I grab their arm and pulled them to an alley to briefly speak to them for a moment.

(Rui, Ena)

"Hello, Shinonome-san. Walking by yourself I see? Where's Mizuki?"

"They.. uh..."
"They broke up with me temporarily.."

"Why's that?"

"I did something I shouldn't have done. And, it made Akito so upset."

"Let me guess, you tried to kidnap and hide An away from him?"

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