Chapter 13: "Child's Play"

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(An's pov:)

Today was the 12th of October. 1 month till Akito's birthday.

I gathered our friends that me and Akito shared. I told Ena about the idea I had and she joined in too.

(An, Rui, Tsukasa, Ena, Mizuki, Toya, Kohane)

"Okay guys, listen up. We have a month till Akito's birthday. We need to pull this surprise off well." I say, standing in the middle of Ena's living room.

"Isn't the school festival that day too?"

"Oh, yeah. That is happening."

"At Kamiyama right?"


"What if An goes with Akito to the festival while the rest of us set up the giant surprise party."

"Ooh! Sounds like a decent plan."

"Who even are you." I watch as Tsukasa points to Kohane.


"Yeah you."

"I'm Azusawa Kohane-"
"And I go to a different school than you guys do."

"What school do you go to, Kohane?"

"Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy.."

"It's okay, Kohane. Nobody is going to make fun of y-"

"Imagine going to an all girl's school, couldn't be Kohane." Tsukasa laughs, I watch as Kohane start crying. Toya didn't look happy at all.

"Did you just insult Kohane for going to a different school than us."

"Uh- Yeah? Why are you so pressed about it, Toya?"

"Because not only did you make me upset by insulting my girlfriend, but you also made her cry."

"Wait what? I didn't know you two were dating.."

"Great way to hurt her feelings, Kasa-kun."

"I-I'm sorry, Kohane! Please forgive me.."

"It's fine.." Kohane hugs Toya.

"Now that your issue is dealt with, I have to go now because my mother wants me home."

"Awh, okay." I sigh.

"Bye everybody, and bye my love."

"Bye, Mizuki!"
"See you again."
"Bye bye, Mizuki!"
"It was nice meeting you!"
"Bye Akiyama."
"Goodbye Mizu, my love."

After we said goodbye to Mizuki, we continued planning out Akito's birthday surprise party. It was going well.

He was working at the moment so he wouldn't be home for a while. Which I was kinda glad but also not.

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