Immature | Jiwoong x Ricky

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"You're really showing your age Ricky."

Ricky stared across at his mother, having to use all self restraint to not roll his eyes. He didn't want to reinforce the idea that he was some immature teenager, although, she would probably treat him that way no matter how he acted. 

Their bi weekly catch up over tea, had been hijacked by the mention of his love life. Before, his mother could even suggest he got married to whoever she fancied this week, he used all his courage to tell her about his boyfriend Jiwoong. He knew she wouldn't be accepting of it, because of her high standards, but he had exhausted all of his excuses to why he couldn't meet up with Mina at the country club. 

The woman lowered her white rimmed Prada sunglasses, showing off her intimidatingly sharp glare. "I mean, what you get up to in your private life is none of my buisness, but you can't expect me to let you date some gutter rat."

"Jiwoong's not a-"

"Jiwoong!" She gasps, pulling off her sunglasses completely. "I swear I heard about some Jiwoong robbing an old lady on the news, it could be the same man."

"You're being ridiculous." Ricky shook his head in disbelief. Did she really have to go to these lengths? "I love Jiwoong and I want to be with him."

The woman huffs, picking up her blue speckled fine china tea cup. "You're going to send me to an early grave." She takes a light sip, and places it back down. "I can't believe you're going to be nineteen this year, and you're still acting like such a child. Your sister was practically running the company alongside your father when she was your age."

"I'm my own person mother." 

It was just a waste of breath, his statement going in one ear and out of the other. This is how it had been his whole life, constantly spoken down to and ignored. 

"Well is it to much to ask for my son to marry someone wealthy?" She mutters, a layer of disgust to her voice. She clasps her hands together, and places them on the table, gazing across at her son intensely. "If you're not going to help your father with the company, you may aswell put that pretty face to use. You'll look gorgeous on Mina's arm- did you know she just inherited her grandfathers company? Imagine the kind of buisness deals we could make with her on our side." 

Ricky was at a loss for words. Every time he thought his mother couldn't get anymore impudent, she showed him how little she actually cared about what he wanted.

"You're still too young to make good decisions Ricky, you should listen to your mother."


As much as Ricky wanted to ignore her, he couldn't pretend her words didn't have any affect on him. His mind was flooded with all the worries and fears his mother forced upon him. How could he trust his own judgment, when he was consistently told that he made bad decisions? It was as if everything he did went against what she thought was best; the only way he could please her, would be to live his life exactly how she wanted him to. But that was exhausting, he could never be the perfect son she wished for, he just wanted to be himself. 

Feeling frustrated, Ricky combs his hand through his blonde locks, feeling the faintest presence of sweat dripping down his neck. His eyes veer up to the clear sky, instantly darting away as they meet the bright light of the sun. A warm breeze whips through the air, reminding him why it was never a good idea to wear a blazer in the summer. He pulls it off, and hangs it over his arm, unbuttoning the first two buttons of his shirt. He hadn't really even been paying attention to where he was going, so it was a good thing his legs had a mind of their own, because he ended up exactly where he needed to be.

He found comfort in the familiar ding of the bell, as he pushed through the glass door, the 'we're open' sign swinging back and forth as it shuts behind him. The cafe was pretty quiet today, probably because most people didn't want to be inside on such a nice day. 

"Did you walk here?" His boyfriend Jiwoong rushes around the counter, concern plastered all over his face. "Do you know how hot it is? look," He pulls out his phone, letting Ricky see his reflection in the camera. His nose was a brighter red than Rudolph's. "Why aren't you wearing sunscreen?" 

"I just forgot." Ricky mumbles, feeling himself dragged over to an empty table, and forced to sit down. Jiwoong disappears into the back room for a few minutes, before he comes back out with a small tub of aloe vera moisturizer and sunscreen. Ricky chuckles; Jiwoong is always prepared for everything. 

"What am I going to do with you? Even my little cousin doesn't forget to put on sunscreen." 

Ricky flinches as the cold moisturizer touches his burn, and even though it hurt a little, he was more focused on Jiwoong's comment. It brought him back to that conversation with his mother, and he wondered if maybe, she was right after all. While his boyfriend was running a buisness, he couldn't even remember to put on sunscreen. He didn't agree with anything his mother said about Jiwoong, because he felt like it was himself who was dragging Jiwoong down, not the other way around.

"Why do you like me?"

A smile instantly tugs at Jiwoong's lips, as he puts down the moisturizer, and pops open the sunscreen. "Well there's lots of reasons, we could be here all day." He gently dots sunscreen on Ricky's cheek's in different shapes, a star on his left, and a heart on his right. "To start you're cute."

Ricky pushes Jiwoong's hands away, a thin layer of blush rushing to his cheeks. He quickly starts rubbing in the sunscreen.

"What's up huh? I can see you've got something on your mind." Jiwoong places his hand on Ricky's knee, softly stroking it with his thumb.

"It's just...I wonder if you'd be better off dating someone more mature than me. Someone who doesn't forget to put on sunscreen..." 

"You're so silly." Jiwoong chuckles, ruffling Ricky's hair. He brings his hand to rest on the boys cheek. "Just because you forget sunscreen one time, doesn't mean you're too immature for me. Plus, I like the way you are, sun burn and all." He leans forward, pressing a gentle kiss on Ricky's nose. "Why are you thinking about this?"

"I don't know...I spoke to my mother today-" His head drops, gaze falling on his lap. "I told her about us, and she's not happy. I guess it's just hard always being told I'm making the wrong decisions."

Jiwoong lifts his chin up, this time connecting their lips in a sweet kiss. He pulls away with a reassuring smile. "You need to trust yourself Ricky. Whatever she wants doesn't matter, it's not her life. Do you want to be with me?"

"Of course." Ricky answers instantly.

"And I want to be with you, so we're all set." Jiwoong takes Ricky's hand, pulling him out of the chair. "Do you want something to drink? I'll make you something refreshing."

Ricky nods happily, following Jiwoong over to the counter. He watches as his boyfriend starts filling a cup with ice. 

"Oh and next time, let me know when you go see your mother, so I can buy her some flowers."

Nothing felt more right than being with Jiwoong. He was just such a great guy, he knew that no matter how insecure he was about their age difference, being with him would never be a bad decision. He couldn't keep letting people fill his head with doubt. He wasn't this reckless person his mother made him out to be. Simply, he was in love with someone really amazing, and there was nothing wrong with that. 


This one shot was inspired by a request from @xannykai

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