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As time passed, Gemma was discharged and finally returned to her apartment, she opened the door, things were still the way she left them. She had so much to do, cleaning, throwing things away, she had a lot. She picked a picture of her and Juan from the ground, staring at it, but instead she thought of him, Issac. She had rejected his proposal and ever since then she had only seen him once, when he came to say goodbye to her.

"Date me" He says, "I promise to treat you better and love you" He continued, Time stopped for a moment in Gemma's world, she wished as it stopped she could plant a kiss on his lips, but she wanted to make a run for it.

"No," Gemma says, just like she thought she was running from him, running from anything relationship.

"Oh," Issac murmured, licking his lips.

"I can't date you" she replied, Issac looked away, he did expect that, clearly Gemma was still in love with Juan.

Issac raised his brows at her, smiling awkwardly, for a moment he wondered what went through his head to ask her that.

"You still love him right?" he asked. He had no idea why he was asking, but he needed to know, he was confessing his feelings but got rejected right away.

"Juan?" she asked, staring at him, Issac nodded and then smiles at her quickly and awkwardly.

"Yes," Issac replied, he gulped his slowly let go of her hand. Gemma looked at her hand and then his.

"No, I don't... I hate him" She says, Issac looked at her, she took his hands in hers, Gemma cleared her throat, she opened her mouth to speak but couldn't find any word.

"Understandable," he says, his eyes wandered around.

"Yeah... Issac" She called, letting go of his hand.

"Hm" He replies.

"Don't let go of me..." she says, holding his hands, and staring at them.

"What?" Issac says, lowering his gaze at her.

"Give me time..." She played with his hands, she couldn't bring to stare at him.

"Hey," he softly caressed her hair.

"I want to love you" She tightened her lips, "You're nice to me... I don't want you to" She says, Issac raised her head, locking eyes with her.

"Hey, it's fine, if you don't" He says.

"I..." Tears rolled down her eyes, she sniffled.

"I would give you all the time you need" He assured, with a smile gracing his lips, Gemma gripped his arms.

"Promise?" She asked

Issac chuckled softly, pulling her to him, "Yeah" he says, Gemma wrapped her hands around him.


"Don't you like the photo?" Anita asked.

"I don't... the logo isn't showing" She says, relaxing on the chair.

"So what? you want to redo the whole shoot?" Anita asked.

"Well, yes if I have to" She shrugged, getting up, Anita followed.

"You're frustrating," Anita rolled her eyes, Gemma smiled at her, heading to her dressing room.

"It's my brand after all" She replied, taking off her clothes.

"Did you hear?" Anita asked, strolling through the tablet she had in her hands.

"Hear what?" she asked.

"That company you work for, that..." Anita thought hard for the name of the company.

"You mean Blue?" She looked at Anita who seemed confused

"I think so, they have a new owner" She says. "That designer company"


"Yeah, they invited you for the opening ceremony" Anita read the invitation mail, "He changed the name too?"

"Ahh, I heard shine too, has a new owner" Gemma grabbed her shoes

"Yeah, I wonder why they keep going bankrupt" She sighed.

"Well, it's not easy to run a company" Gemma shrugged.

"Thanks for that" Anita rolled her eyes.

"Are you sure, they won't sign you off" She says.

"I really don't mind, their pay is small anyways, and the contract is expiring soon anyways"

"But you've been their model..." Gemma laughed. "What's funny?" she asked

"They have so many models, and I am sure that's why they went bankrupt" She smiled

"Girl, you're wicked" Anita followed.

"I didn't lie" she laughed out loud, "Serve them right"

"But they have a new owner, do you think he would offer you more?"

"It's a he?" she paused

"Yeah, I heard... I heard he's also ugly" Anita covered her lips, giggling.

"Really!" Gemma shook her head.

"Yeah, do you have a picture?" she came forward, Anita took out her phone, searching for a picture.

"Here" she says,

"Is this him?" She furrowed her brows, that person to her didn't look ugly, he looked so young to have owned a company.

"Yeah, that's the president" Anita says,

"Where did you get the photo from?" Gemma asked.

"Google," Anita responded.

"I don't think that's him," Gemma shrugged, backing away, she grabbed her bag.


"He's too young, to manage a company" She says, Anita looked at her phone and back at Gemma, she didn't lie but Gemma was young and owned a company.

"Where are you going?" Anita asked.

"Home, I am exhausted" She waved, walking out of the dressing room.

"Don't be late tomorrow!" Anita yelled, Gemma nodded as she left.

"For what?" Gemma asked.

"The opening ceremony, it's tomorrow night, eight at night" She says.


"We need to get your gown, the media would be there... you have to look stunning"

"Yeah?" Gemma blushed.

"I will send it to your apartment"

She stepped out of the studio and inhaled deeply.

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