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THE days leading up to the party were filled with exhaustion from school. Avery and I were leaving our Business class to meet up with Lily and Marci in the cafeteria when I accidentally bumped into Grayson. My book fell to the ground, but he didn't even bother to help or apologize. What an asshole.

Now, you might be wondering why Grayson and I despise each other. Well, let me tell you, it's not me who's the problem, it's him! He constantly calls me a brat and has the audacity to nickname me Princess. Can you believe that? Who in their right mind would give someone such a ridiculous nickname? Unless, of course, they truly meant it. He calls me Princess because he thinks I'm a spoiled brat, all because our fathers are business partners.

But you know what? It's not my fault. Blame my dad for that. One time, Grayson and his father came over for a business meeting, and I was forced to spend time with him. They thought we were friends, and my dad treated me like a child the entire time. He even made the maid bring me four croissants and dust the chair before I sat on it. It was absolutely ridiculous.

I'm not to blame for any of this. My dad just adores me, and everyone else does too. I'm sweet and kind, after all. "Watch out, blindass!" I shouted at the guy who accidentally hit me with his basketball. He quickly apologized and ran away. Am I really that intimidating?

"How do you do it?" Avery sighed, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

I didn't understand what she meant. Have I mentioned how much I dislike people who beat around the bush? I prefer straightforward individuals. I gave Avery a glare, silently urging her to get to the point.

"Everyone respects you, and it's admirable. I feel like I don't belong. No one likes me. You're lucky to be fearless. People are scared of Marcella because of her brother, Jaxon. Lily and I feel lost. We need advice. You're just so amazing."

Suddenly, my expression turned into a frown. I hated seeing my friends feel insecure. They meant the world to me, and if anyone hurt them, it hurt me too. "Listen, I wasn't always like this. Remember when we were thirteen? I was bullied for my weight and criticized for being a blonde.

As I shared my story with Avery, it was nothing new to my circle of friends. They were all aware of the painful drama of my mother leaving my father when I was just a child. The memories haunted me, but I always put on a brave face and pushed them aside.

"The world is a cruel place," I said, my voice filled with determination. "Fuck it. Live your life the way you want, babe.”

Avery hugged me tightly, expressing her gratitude. Together, we entered the bustling cafeteria, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the scene before me.

Popular girls were either kissing the guys who held the highest social status or simply occupying the tables meant for food. It was a sight that disgusted me. This was our high school, a place where the stench of entitlement lingered in the air.

There are no consequences. 

There families are apart of the royal hierarchy.

"I feel so traumatized," Avery whispered as we made our way to our table. Lily and Marci were already there, quietly eating their lunches. Weird.

"Thank you for getting our meals," I said, flashing a grateful smile. I observed my friends closely, noticing their unusual silence.

Normally, they would be engrossed in a discussion about a book or a poem. While I wasn't much of a fan of literature, my mind often wandered to Taylor's music, where I would create my own twisted scenarios.

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