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(Also, I'm back!)


"Avery cut it out," I warned her. She was begging me to hang out with her, Alessio, Grayson, and Damon. I didn't feel like it, especially at the moment since Grayson was making me feel things.

We haven't talked since the ball. With everything that's coming up, I have a lot on my hands. Prom, graduation, finals. I don't need a distraction. But you know when a distraction is so tempting and desirable that you want to give in? It feels hard to not give in.

He was confusing. Black and white; grey. I couldn't understand him. That's why I'm starting to feel nervous around him. He's not just any guy, he's Grayson.

"Stella, it's just a hangout. You're proving to Grayson that you're being shy." She shrugged turning around.

"I am not shy." I pick up my finger as a warning. Graduation was in a month, and I don't want to catch any feelings for anyone. Especially, since I am going to be valedictorian this year.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, pretty please! Who knows what will happen after graduation? We may lose connection of our teenage years."

"You're making a fool out of yourself! Get up." I hissed when she started whining. We were at a coffee shop, this was way too embarrassing.

"Mom! Please, come with me." She fake sobbed. This evil girl is going to die.

"Okay, get the fuck up." I grabbed her hand, dragging her out of the coffee shop. I'm never going out with her again.

"I don't know how Alessio deals with you."

"He's the one who makes me behave like a baby, he's always spoiling me. Like why would he bring me food when I told him lunch wasn't ready."

"He's just overprotective and worried. Now, where are we going to hang out with your boyfriend?" I asked.

"We're going to Grayson's penthouse. I wish Marci and Lily were here." Avery pouted, entering my car. Marcella and Jaxon were on vacation to Italy, going to visit their grandparents. While Liliana was with her Dad, trying to reconnect.

"I hope they both enjoy though, I'm glad Lily is bonding with her Dad." I smiled turning on the engine.

"Yeah, I'm happy for her. You know, I got accepted at NYU, did you get your application? Marcella and Lily got accepted too."

"Yeah, but I don't know anymore. My dad keeps saying that he wants to donate more. I just want to enter university and become a doctor, I don't want my father to be involved with everything. He has to bring his wealth into everything. They're going to think I'm spoiled." I muttered.

Getting accepted to my dream university was great. Not until my father started getting involved.

"Stella, it's been our dream to go together. Don't let your Father stop you. Promise me you will accept it and we will go with honors and we will become doctors." Avery sighed.

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