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"You little shit." Damon scowled when he saw the motorcycle, it's been a day since Stella and I did that to his motorcycle. Today we were hanging out in the cabin. Let's say Damon was not taking it.

"It's a fucking joke, I'll buy you another one."

"I can buy myself ten, thank you. But I don't like the idea of you doing this for Stella fucking Russel. That girl is a psychopath."

"And so if he. I guess they're both psychopaths. Soulmates." When Alessio said that I sent him a glare. Not the time.

"Soulmates? As if Gray would ever like her. But he did do this for her." Jaxon thought out loud. "Jaxon, go deal with your problem. At least we aren't being avoided." Damon muttered touching his bike.

Liliana has been avoiding Jaxon for a while, since ever she saw him fight, she started to ignore his calls and whenever she saw him she left the room. It was funny to watch.

"Shut the fuck up." Jaxon sent him the middle finger, Damon smirked at him instead. I get a text and I opened it. How can someone have my number?

I opened it and my face hardened at the message. It was Stella, I recognised the number.

'I need your help, come over!!!"

'Don't ring the doorbell, if you coul please climb up my window.'

"I have to go." I stood up from the stool as fast as I could, everyone turned to me with concern, I sent them a glare but they still stopped me.

"What happened?" Jaxon stood infront of me. I didn't want them to get involved with Stella, I was a jealous bastard if you want to call me that. Even if Damon joked around with her, I found it funny but I was also mad about it.

"Nothing, I have to go." I shoved him away, I went out of the cabin and ran to my motorcycle. I drove to her house as fast as I could. Her neighbourhood was quiet, there were only classy, rich people in it, so you could say it's very dull in here.

Parking behind a tree, I went behind her mansion and I jumped over the fence. There was a huge pool, the lights were on and I could hear some yelling.

I jumped on the fence and I could see light coming from her window. I've been here before, when my father was meeting up with hers, I came as well.

I unlocked the window and opened it, I could hear footsteps, she comes in my view and puts her finger on her lips, don't be loud.

I furrowed my eyebrows and nodded, I entered her bedroom and she locks her bedroom door.

"What the fuck is going on?" I whispered. Stella would never call me for help, she would call her friends. I certainly am not her friend, as much as I like hanging out with her, I would consider her as someone I hate because of her pettiness.

"You remember my mom?"

"The one that left you years ago?"

She slapped my arm and hissed at me, I didn't mean to offend her. It's true, her mom did abandon her. It sucks, but it happens.

"Yeah, she's back. I think she's trying to take me. I don't want to see her. I want you to take me, I'll sneak out with you." She almost demanded, but her tone was pleading.

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