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I nibbled on my bottom lip. Why do we have our Physics exam on Monday? The first day of finals week, on first period. It was easy, only easy because Grayson helped me study. Except, the stress of time was taking over me.

"Miss, I'm done." Marci raised her hand. I opened my mouth. She finished in less than an hour?! I'm proud of her. Stella and Lily finished as well, whenever someone finishes, they can leave the classroom. Some students were still passing, including Alessio, Grayson and Damon. They always handed their papers last, not because they were stressed, they just liked being last.

I shut my eyes, what was the formula again. Alessio was already done, he was just revising his paper. "How many minutes left?" A student asked.

"About half an hour, extra five minutes for those who didn't finish." The teacher informed.

"What?! Already?" I blurted.

"Well, Miss Raven, if you weren't so busy zoning out you would've had time." The teacher  leaned against her desk. I almost rolled my eyes, mean.

My eyes found Grayson's and he sent me a thumbs up. 'I'm proud of you, move on.' He mouthed. I smiled at him and suddenly the formula came into my head. I wrote it down and raised my hand.

"I'm done! Wait can I revise?" I sat back down, excitement taking over me. I quickly revised and made sure I had everything filled in. I went up to the teacher and stood beside her as she skimmed my paper.

"I'm estimating your grade. You'll probably get an A." The miss actually smiled at me while she looked at my paper.

"Really? Thanks!" I grinned, leaving the classroom. I ran to the hallway and threw my arms around my best friends. We all hugged for a moment. "I'm proud of myself and you guys!" Lily giggled.

"Finally, physics is done. We only have; maths, English, two essays to be done, history, ICT, Chemistry, Biology, Business to go!" Marci mumbled.

All of us picked so many subjects that were far from our league. Example, why the hell do we need History? But we all thought it would be fun to have extra classes. Now, we were drowned in stress.

"Guys, Grayson invited me over for dinner. I don't know if it's a date." Stella said.

"What?! I'm so happy for you!" Lily grabbed a book to read from her locker. Marcella nodded, agreeing with Lily.

"I already knew. Grayson told me while we FaceTimed." I admitted smiling at Stella. They all turned to me and I stared at them confused. They're scaring me, they were staring at me like wild animals who wanted meat.

"You FaceTimed Grayson? How come he talks to you but doesn't even say one nice thing to me!" Lily scowled. I laughed and shook my head.

"He's nice, just moody." I nodded.

"He thinks of her as his daughter. It's so adorable. You're everyone's daughter." Marci pinched my cheeks, making me blush and peck her hand.

"Hey, doll face." Jaxon snuck up on Lily, gripping her waist. Lily turned to him and kissed his cheek. The bell rang and the hallway started crowding. We all agreed to go to the backyard of the school, it's where you can find peace. Silent, calm and not full of students.

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