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"You had sex with my brother?!"

"Damon Lars comforted you?"

"You and Alessio kissed on his motorcycle?"

"You and Damon fought?"

We all said at the same time, we haven't seen each other in a day or two and all of this happens. "Okay, let's go over this slowly, first Lily. Explain." We were on a FaceTime call, we usually FaceTime or call when we aren't meeting up. We can't go through a day without each other.

"I'm sorry, I know this is your brother. But it just happened." Lily mumbled over the line, I know she's liked him for years. But it was still a big shock.

"Okay, we understand. Now Stella, no way Damon actually comforted and helped you." Avery hissed with a mocking look on her face. None of us believed it, Damon would be the last one who would comfort her.

Stella nodded. "Yeah, he helped me in the bathroom. Big shock. Anyways how about you Avery?" She asked. Avery blushed and smiled to herself, you could see the blush through the FaceTime, that's how much she likes him.

"He took me to my house, then he kissed me. We kissed. He was great, the problem is he's with Ava."

"Fuck Ava, Ava's a whore." Stella shrugged her shoulders. Technically, they weren't even dating, Ava was just like a stick.

"Well, whatever. Anyhow, what the hell is wrong with Damon? How can he do you like that." Avery flipped the page of the book she was reading while Stella is doing homework.

"I don't care about it anymore, I do like him. But I hate the fact I can't get over him."

"It's fine to like someone, but he can be mean sometimes." Liliana mumbled, we all agreed since it's true. He can be the most cruel guy surrounding you.

"Anyways, guys. I have to go. Dinner." I shut the call off. I walked downstairs and found everyone eating. "Hey, did you finish the homework?" My dad asked, I nodded. I finished it with Stella, we did it together. Liliana did it at break and Avery is going to do it later.

"Good god, everything you do is talk to your friends, and I love your friends but it's too attaching sweetheart, or you sit and read. I think you should go socialise. Go to a club, I mean I understand you're a good daughter and I love you, but when I'm was your age I didn't just read all day." My mom placed my food on my plate.

I sighed with this topic being brought up, they just don't understand. "I prefer her this way." Jaxon took a fry off my plate. "Don't take her food, just get more." Dad said but he smiled at him. "I like annoying her."

"I don't mind sharing." I shrugged my shoulders giving him another fry, I smiled and he took it. "Mom, all I ever want is my friends, family and book. At least I'm not smoking or anything."

"No, honey. Im not saying you should smoke or do bad things, all I'm suggesting is a party night out. Go clubbing. Im sure Stella, Avery and Lily would love that."

I looked at Dad for help. "I stand with your mom on this one." He kissed her forehead, I glared at Jaxon for help. "Go party, but I'll be there. And if Lily isn't there then don't go. Because I won't be interested to come." He smirked to himself.

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