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This chapter will involve two characters, since everyone was commenting too many names, I decided on Stella & Marcella.


Guys are like dogs, they follow you around. That's what I mean by every guy in our classroom. Can't they just take a hint? I was listening to the lecture from our Physics teacher about university while some boys are trying to wink at us in the front seat. I rolled my eyes at them and turned to Lily.

"I still can't believe Damon did that to you, and Grayson didn't care? I thought Grayson would be mad."

"I don't care about them, I'm just happy Marci didn't mind."

"You know Marci, she loves you and she believes Damon is an asshole. I don't know how she likes him, he's the scariest one." Liliana mumbled. Its true, Damon was an ass. All of them, every part of them was sickening. If you didn't know where Marci and Avery were, well Avery isn't here because she has a busy day. Marci couldn't come because of cramps.

"How do you do it? You hung out with them!" I hissed, she glared at me and she almost smiled. I know she likes Jaxon, she has the biggest crush on him.

"I don't care about them, but Jaxon. He's so epic to be around, he's the meanest in front of you guys but I don't know—sometimes he switches to a different person. I wish you guys could see how he behaves sometimes, when I saw him beat up those guys, I hated it. I was glad he saved you guys but he seemed so cruel."

"I agree, but did you see Damon? I can't believe I actually held onto him, and those men he brought to clean up the place? It was weird, he seemed so respected by them. I think they work with his father."

It was weird, because Damon had those guys come and they looked so serious, dangerous even.

"Well, I can't hang out with you guys this weekend. I have to clean up my bedroom and throw out some books, I have too many old books."

Liliana would never through her books out, she would probably organize them or hide them. She was the biggest book lover. You can not beat her in a book contest.

"I'm hanging out at Marci's house, Avery is going out with her family for this event. It will be in a hotel so she will not be available this weekend."

The bell rang and I grabbed my text book, we walked out and made our way to our lockers. "What the hell." Liliana's mouth parted wide open. My head snapped to where she was looking and there was Dean's girlfriend, Molly, making out with this random guy.

"She's cheating on him?" I asked confused since I haven't been up on the drama that's happening.

"Poor Dean, I like him. He's really sweet."

"And hot." I add onto Lily's sentence, she rolled her eyes in a playful manner and puts her textbooks back in her locker, I do the same thing and we walk out of the school.

"I'll see you next week." Before I could leave she grabbed me for a hug. "I hate physical touch."

"And as your best friend, I love physical touch. So deal with it!" She grins like a devil. I remembered Taylor Swift's lyrics and I immediately smiled. He looks up grinning like a devil!

I unlock my Mercedes and get in, playing some Taylor Swift music, no one knows my real side and I'm living for it. Only my best friends know how much for a amazing and kind person I am. Fine, maybe I can be a bitch.

But no one knows I actually listen to Taylor, they'd think I'm a softie! And I don't want that. I like who I am, I am me. One of the prettiest and sexiest girls alive. I am the role model, I am whoever I can be. I will become the youngest and most gorgeous surgeons or doctor.

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