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Damon was only twenty-three years old when his father had given the throne to his heir: Damon. Which means my fiance is going to become the Mafia Leader of the Lars Empire. He's going to reign over the throne and become a bad person. It didn't bother me, Damon was a good person to me. The best thing that had ever happened to me was him proposing to me. And today, was the wedding. My bridesmaids were Stella, Avery, and Liliana. I tried to postpone the wedding since Stella and Grayson are still not on good terms. After five years. They are still hating on each other.

The truth is, Grayson disappeared for two years when medical school started. He left and only said goodbye to us and not Stella, which was understandable since they broke up. It shattered me how he played her, but Damon said he had to, and I believed in Damon.

I wore a perfect white dress, sleeveless and strapless, the satin fabric was made in Italy which made me intrigued to buy such a beautiful piece. I loved the way I looked in the skirt of the wedding dress. I also designed satin sleeves to pair with the dress. I couldn't believe this was the day I'll be married to Damon. I will officially become Marcella Lars, the wife of the Capo. My bridesmaids walked in to check up on me and my Mom who was styling my hair. My mother placed the veil on top of my head, then stared at me in the vanity mirror.

I adored my best friend's bridesmaids' look. They designed golden/beige saying dresses that had pearls on the side, they looked beautiful.

The make-up artist left the room after my best friends came in, to give us some privacy. My mother kissed my forehead. "I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. Damon is the perfect man for you. Both of you deserve each other." The surprise is, my parents were unbothered by Damon's Mafia. They knew we were going to honor each other and his duty to protect me was set straight.

"Thanks, mama, I love you." I kissed her cheek. "Don't make me cry, and don't you cry! The mascara will get ruined." My mom laughed, her eyes tearing up as she left the room.

"You're the first one to get married out of all of us. I'm so happy for you." Stella kissed my head, making me tremble in her hold. I can't believe this.

"Just so you know, we are proud of you and we love you so much, Marcella. You and Damon deserve the world. You guys are our family, we are extremely happy for you." Liliana whispered, trying to not cry.

"Yeah, just so you know, you made me have a ten-minute breakdown yesterday. Does this mean we won't see each other a lot? Because you're married to Damon?" Avery had already broken down by the time we all pulled her in a hug. Did she think I'd abandon our friend group? Hell no.

"Of course not, we're best friend's forever. We predicted this, remember? We were only thirteen when we promised each other the dates we would get married in. You guys said id get married in June, and here I am." I breathed, trying to not stumble on my dress.

"I love you guys so much." Stella sighed, hugging us all tightly. "It's never too late to talk to Grayson. He's been back for three years. Just talk to him." Liliana smiled at Stella.

No matter how older we got, we still tried to persuade Stella and Grayson to talk. We were twenty-three, but we will never forget the wild days we spent with each other. No matter how old we get, our kids will all become best friends, and we would watch them grow.

"No, he kissed---" Stella got interrupted by Jaxon and my Dad. Oh my God, it's time to walk down the aisle.

"We will go throw the roses, don't forget your bouquet!" Stella handed me the Peonies Boquet. I gripped it in my palm and I watched my best friends who were my bridesmaids run out.

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