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I remove the motorcycle helmet off my head, we were racing to get through the party and the others weren't here yet. Damon arrived and he got off the motorcycle. "Fuckers. Alessio and Grayson took a shortcut but they're not here yet."

"What if something happened to them?" I asked, as much as I knew they were reliable and independent, I was still fucking worried considering the fact that they were crazy fuckers and would get off their motorcycles to play a little prank. We noticed two sporty motorcycles and we already knew them.

"The party started ten minutes ago you assholes!" Damon took off Grayson's helmet. Grayson and Alessio explained how the 'shortcut' wasn't a shortcut but took them more time. "Where are your sister and her friends?" Alessio asked.

"You're not asking for my sister, you're asking for the girl you're interested in. Which is your girlfriend's sister."

"You like your sister's bestfriend."

"I don't like her, and that's not even half as bad. Imagine if Ava finds out you have been wishing her step-sister happy birthday every year but you don't remember your girlfriend's birthday."

"Im surprised we even remember Ava's name. And Alessio doesn't even consider her as a girlfriend. He thinks of her as a fuck buddy." Grayson said. It's true, but we liked teasing him.

"They're here," Damon muttered, we notice a black Mercedes coming into the foggy view. They parked and before even opening the doors we could hear songs blasting. Stella got out and she was giggling, her face fell when she saw us. Rolling her eyes, she opens the door for the two girls in the backseat who were too busy to laugh to get out. "I swear the way he pulled-" Liliana stopped whatever she had to say when she got out of the car. Her eyes met mine and she looked away.

I so loved making her nervous. I took in what she was wearing since my parents were busy adoring her that I couldn't admire her for myself. She looked fucking stunning in that mini-skirt. "Guys! I think we're late." My sister sounded grumpy and she pulled Stella who was hissing something to Avery. "Fine, Mother." Liliana clung to Marcella's arm.

We entered the gates and Dean's mansion was already busy with music and blasting lights. "One of the most parties Ive been to. Who doesn't bring tequila? He brought beer but not tequila?" Grayson growled.

"You are such an alcoholic." We heard Stella whisper under her breath, Grayson chose to ignore her but he sent a smirk to her. Stella was annoying, although I did like the fact that she was a bitch and she stood up for herself, she was still bothering me.

We opened the door of Dean's house and we got welcomed in by Dean who stood by a few girls and guys. "Holy crap. This is so loud!" Marci yelled. I hated the fact she was at a party. There were too many disgusting guys who randomly grope girls, which I didn't want for my sister. But if someone dares to lay a hand on her he would fucking die.

"Don't tell me well babysit them, they're big girls."

I sent Damon a glare, I went up to Marcella and she furrowed her eyebrows. "I'll be upstairs, if anything happens call me. I will make sure some people here watch over you."

"You cannot tell people to spy on me!"

"I'm not telling them to spy on you, just guard you."

"Aw, he cares about you." Stella mimics in a baby voice, I turn to her and clenched my jaw. As a bad-tempered person, people like her get on my nerves.

"Fine, just leave. We will be sitting right here." She pointed to the couch filled with drunk girls. I nodded and went back to my friends. "They don't belong here." Damon commented. I told a few students that knew me to watch out for my sister and they all nodded eagerly to help.

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